Chapter 3954

"Zhiyong, Maner, no matter what she did, she did it for the Zheng family. Her intention is good. From the point of view of our Zheng family, we can't blame her."Li Cang said with a cold smile: "in th...Chapter 3954

"Coco, I really regret it!"

"how could I do such a stupid thing"

"I must have drunk too much that day, so I made a mistake that all men make."

"you must forgive me!"

as he spoke, Yang Haonan knelt down on one knee and a diamond ring appeared in his hand.

"Coco, come back, come back to me!"

"you see, I even have an engagement ring ready."

"I just want to marry you. I just want you to be our mistress of the Yang family. I just want you to be happy!"

"smelly man, is it useful for you to regret at this time"

Ruan Keke gave a bad look on his face and hit the ring in Yang Haonan's hand on the ground.

"reflect on yourself!"

"if you meet a good woman in the future, be nice to her!"

"it doesn't matter what you say now!"

Ye Hao glanced at Ruan Keke, though she refused to forgive Yang Haonan.

but no matter in tone or manner, Ye Hao feels that she is actually a little loose.

but after all, this is between young couples. Although Ye Hao doesn't have any affection for Yang Haonan, he won't take the initiative to say anything at this time.

after all, how to choose your own life event is a matter for Ruan Coco.

Ye Hao, as a friend, can help her when necessary, but he can't cut in too much.

"Ye Hao, it must be because of you, because you Coco would do this to me!"

"you, a pretty boy, not only instigated Yang Youxuan to break up with the Yang family!"

"now you encourage Coco to break up with me completely!"

Yang Haonan jumped up from the ground at the moment, pointing at Ye Hao's nose and cursing loudly, showing that Ye Hao was the chief culprit of everything.

"whether it's for the Yang family or for cocoa, I've decided that I'm going to have a duel with you!"

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"right now, right here!"

"dare you hit me with me"

"if you can beat me, I will swear in front of so many people that not only will I stop pestering cocoa in the future, but I will give you 10 million!"

"but if you lose, you have to get out of Coco!"

at this point, Yang Haonan made a gesture of winning the championship and becoming a beauty angrily.

"Ye, dare you promise to fight with me"

"do you have the pride of being a man"

hearing Yang Haonan's righteous words, many pretty girls look obsessed.

"Wow, Yang Shao, this is a real man!"

"in ancient times there was Wu Sangui, and now there is Yang Haonan."

"such boldness and infatuation move heaven and earth!"

"Yang Shao, come on, we are all your supporters!"

many women began to cheer for Yang Haonan.

some men who are very unhappy with Ye Haoqi's happiness are beginning to add fuel to it at the moment, hoping that someone will slap Ye Hao to death.

and this scene made Ruan Coco's pretty face sink slightly.

she felt that Yang Haonan was not apologizing intentionally, but was forcing her to say yes.

at this moment, she deliberately held Ye Hao's hand and said, "Ye Hao, let's go. I think the air is muddy in the same place with such people."

"I'll take you to dinner, shopping and movies."

Yang Haonan's face was even darker when he heard what Ruan Keke said.

he hurriedly took a horizontal step, stood in front of the two men, and said coldly, "Ye Hao, dare you fight me!"

"if you don't think the money is enough, I'll add it, 20 million!"

"dare you fight"

"can you be a man"ng Xiaoxuan What are you doing here "Zhang Haoping is a playboy who is now in college.I was surprised when I met Zheng Xiaoxuan when I went to high school to do an's just that he didn't ma...