Chapter 3897

me with me!""you." Zheng Qiuzi looked angry at the side. "Ye Hao, this is the business of the Zheng family, and if we throw you out, you will not be the door-to-door son-in-law of the Zheng family!""w...Chapter 3897

"well, it's a deal!"

"A gentleman's word is a whip on a horse."

Ye Hao took out his cell phone with an indifferent look and slowly pressed the number.

"pretending, keep pretending, and making phone calls I'd like to see how long he's going to pretend! "

"he still looks like he can solve the problem by calling. Who does he think he is" Is it the prince of the royal family or the junior of Penang "

"it is true that great summer has risen these days, but it is not a casual summer guy who can come to our territory to put on airs!"

"if a summer man can solve the crisis encountered by our Yang family with one phone call, I can kneel down to him!"

when Ye Haofeng made a phone call, a group of Yang family scoffed at Ye Hao.

in short, no one thinks that Ye Hao can really do it.

Ye Hao didn't talk nonsense, but pressed the dial button after pressing the number.


sound rang three times, and a young voice came from the opposite side: "who is this, please"

"it's me, Ye Hao." Ye Hao opened with a look of indifference.

across from Penang, Huang Tianhua, the first day of the martial arts league in Penang, was shocked all over.

even though he was over the phone, he respectfully opened his mouth and said, "Ye Shao, what are your instructions"

Ye Hao said faintly, "I am not happy to hear that your Penang Wu League has cancelled the supply right of the Yang family."

without hesitation, Huang Tianhua said quickly, "I see!"

after saying this, Ye Hao casually hung up the phone.

when they saw this, the Yang family looked at each other in surprise.

after being stupefied for a while, Yang Xinyi sneered and said, "is that it" Why don't you act really well, even if you act "

Yang Haonan also said, "are you very unhappy" You sound as if you were the immediate boss of the Penang martial arts league! "

"pretend to be your sister!"

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others also look similar at the moment, looking at Ye Hao with disdain and feeling that he is pretending to be too much.

"are you kidding me"

the face of the old lady of the Yang family is also dark at the moment, and then she sneers and says, "somebody, break this wild man's leg and let Yang Youxuan print her handprint on her wedding book!"

"what a waste of time!"

A large group of Yang families showed disdain when they heard the words of the Yang family.

putting on airs in front of the Yang family

surnamed Ye, do you want to die

several tall security guards walked out, one by one twisting their necks, making a "click" sound, as if to break Ye Hao's legs.

"I'll see who dares!"

Yang Youxuan's face changed and stood in front of Ye Hao.

in the conference hall, there was instant tension and momentum.


just then, a mobile phone in charge of the Yang family suddenly vibrated violently.

the steward pressed the answer button inexplicably. After listening for a moment, he was suddenly shocked, stood up straight, and blurted out subconsciously: "what" Did the Penang Wushu League restore the supply right of our Yang family "

"will someone come to check the goods this afternoon"

"and bring the check with you"

hearing this in charge, dozens of Yang family members were shaken all over at the same time.


the faces of Yang Haonan and Yang Xinyi changed greatly.

they took out their cell phones and called out quickly.

several clan elders also began to make phone calls in a hurry, and the whole conference hall of the Yang family suddenly jumped with chickens and dogs.

"what's going on What on earth is going on "

at this time, even the old gentleman of the Yang family is a little restless.g down there""is it difficult don't you even have the courage to take responsibility""come on, give me my stuff!""Don't embarrass you in the summer anymore!"(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | | []). Us...