Chapter 3862

d laughter."Ye Hao, I've seen a lot of arrogant people.""I've seen a lot of people who are older and younger.""I've seen countless drug lords in the Golden Triangle, pirates in Somalia, princes in the...Chapter 3862

"right and wrong"

"right or wrong"

"you weak people really value this illusory thing."

Huang Tianhua stepped forward with his hands on his back, walking with dragons and tigers, and each step contained a powerful momentum.

"and for a strong person like me, I don't need to know that at all."

"after all, as far as I'm concerned, my style is to help each other rather than help."

"even if my brother starts a fire and does bad things, he is still right with me."

"even if you have countless reasons and hold the king's law, as long as you touch my brother, you still have to pay the price."

Li Xiaobao, who has the strong support of Huang Tianhua, is fanning the flames with confidence: "Brother, this son of a bitch just said," Don't say you're here. Even if the leader comes, you can't afford to provoke him! "

other attendants and dog legs all agreed: "that's right, Huang Shao, that's what this blind guy said." "look down on me Look down on the leader Look down on our Penang martial arts league "

Huang Tianhua burst out laughing.

"are there so many Jianglong these days"

"Don't even look at what you are!"

"what qualification do you have to come to our place unscrupulously"

"Boy, are you from Daxia"

"come on, tell me where you came from. Are you from the top five or from the top ten families"

"make it clear, make it clear, I can give them a little face, only waste you, not kill you."

Ye Hao said faintly, "neither."

"neither" Huang Tianhua smiled and said, "Don't even dare to come to Penang to show off. Do you really not know that heaven and earth are good"

Ye Hao said faintly, "I thought Penang was a place of law, reason and discipline, but looking at Huang Shao's posture, are you prepared to be unreasonable"

"Wang Fa Truth Rules "

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Huang Tianhua sneered and said slowly, "here, fists are the king's law, knives and guns are the truth, and firearms are the rules!"

"without these things, no matter how big your reasoning is, it won't make any sense."

"can you ask Fu Wenshao, a loser, if he dares to reason with me"

Huang Tianhua pointed to Fu Wenshao on the ground as he spoke, looking at the dog on his face.

Fu Wen Shao shivered for a moment and dared not open his mouth to refute it. He could only nod and bow down, humble as a dog.

Ye Hao said faintly: "in that case, no matter which is right or wrong, Huang must touch me."

"get down on your knees, kowtow and admit your mistake, and let Xiao Bao deal with you. As long as Xiao Bao is willing to give you a way to live, then I will leave you a life!"

Huang Tianhua's handsome face is full of fierce colors.

"if you dare to resist or run away, then I will take it out on the summer people of Penang!"

"anyway, you summer people are all a nest of snakes and rats, and you won't make a mistake if you all kill them."

Huang Tianhua's words are categorical.

obviously, he represents absolute strength in Penang, a third mu of land.

when Ye Jiufeng heard this, her eyes were slightly cold.

those who live in rivers and lakes pay more attention to misfortune than their families.

this Huang Tianhua is so good that even Chinese people want to be implicated.

and Ye Hao squinted slightly and looked cold.

No wonder Huang Tianhua is Li Xiaobao's brother. Apart from being even more outrageous, he is even more unreasonable.

"Boy, now you know you're scared, right"

seeing that Ye Hao was silent, Huang Tianhua stepped forward with a smile on his face.

"wasn't that awesome just now"

"Why don't you jump up and down now"

"if you are afraid, get down on your knees first!"

"get through here!"

Huang Tianhua pointed arrogantly between his legs.mbling, lit it, and then whispered, "this son of a bitch is trying to force me to do it.""after all, this is my home court.""I lost a lot of money at his hands before, and I looked like I admitted it....