Chapter 3729:

his mouth, otherwise he will suffocate.after all, he was slapped many times by his surname Ye Hao, and now his face is covered with palm prints."come on, long Tiejun, don't embarrass me at this time!"...Chapter 3729

at this point, Zhao Jiazi showed a profound expression and said slowly, "in this case, it doesn't matter if you lose the game."

"however, if people like us bear the reputation of collaborating with foreign enemies because we let Ye Hao play, we will be ruined!"

"you should know better than I do what this will lead to."

Ouyang Nien and tie Qianjun both turned black.

Gong Sun Yan Ming, who had never opened his mouth, said slowly: "Yes, although it looks like we are going to lose now, we all have hope until the last minute!"

"but Ye Hao, a guy who is so suspicious, asks for war on his own, which makes me even more suspicious of him!"

"to put it bluntly, I don't trust him!"

"I'd rather the remaining two provincial champions lose."

"I don't want to let Ye Hao do it either."

"because I believe that not only will he not turn the tide, but he will also humiliate us."

"therefore, I would rather let Longmen lose than Ye Hao."

Ye Hao squinted slightly and looked at Gong Sun Yan Ming and Zhao Jiazi, who were awe-inspiring at the moment, and a cold color flashed in their eyes.

to maintain their own reputation.

in order not to let outsiders turn the tide.

in order to suppress himself, in order to keep the position of the door owner from falling into the hands of others.

these two really spare no effort!

just when Ye Hao was ready to come forward and slap Gong Sun Yan Ming and Zhao Jiazi in the face to sober them up.

at this time, the door of the conference room was crunched open.

then came an indifferent and dignified voice: "I do think Ye Hao can fight!"

Ye Hao subconsciously turned around, and then saw a beautiful figure come in.

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Ten top families, Princess Ningjia, Ning Zhilei.

Princess Ning!

seeing the appearance of Ning Zhilei, Gong Sun Yan Ming and tie Qianjun all stood up.

obviously, they all know the true identity of Ning Zhilei.

even Zhao Jiazi, who has always been high above, came forward to say hello with enthusiasm at the moment.

obviously, Ning Zhilei's status is higher than theirs.

"I have been watching the game in the past few days, and I have just reviewed the whole process."

Ning Zhilei glanced over the crowd with an indifferent look, then glanced at Ye Hao calmly, and then said slowly, "I wanted to come and talk to Deputy Zhao and Gongsun about tomorrow."

"it just so happens that you are discussing and talking about whether Ye Hao can play or not, so I need to express my opinion!"

while speaking, Ning Zhilei walked up to Ye Hao, then smiled and said, "I think Ye Hao can represent us in the Great Summer War!"

at the moment, Ning Zhilei is wearing a long white dress, her hair is scattered at will, like everyone's first love, with a pure and incomparable flavor.

Ye Hao looked at Ning Zhilei for a few eyes, then smiled and said, "Thank you for Princess Ning's trust."

can only say that this Princess Ning is really a figure with family and national feelings.

knowing that coming out of the platform at this time will have a negative impact on her and Ning's family.

but she still stood up without hesitation.

this makes Ye Hao think highly of her.

"Princess Ning, I know that the failure of the past few days has made you extremely worried!"

"after all, this war is a national war. If you lose, you will lose not only the face of Longmen, but also the face of Daxia!"

"but you have to believe that we, like you, hope we can win in the summer!"alized.the energy of Ye Hao in front of him is beyond his own the thought of this, Ren Wenbin could only wipe a cold sweat from his face, and then said with a bit of difficulty: "this,...