Chapter 3707

ht you were suddenly strong, but you're still such a pussy!" If you don't dare, why do you say it's a tie Besides, what do you mean by saying that on purpose at this time Show your magnanimity and nob...Chapter 3707

many people know that Huang Zhiqun is among the best among the inner disciples of the Golden Palace, and he is one of several candidates who have a chance to become the master of the Golden Palace.

Huang Zhiqun put the dumb servant beside Huang Shaoqun, mostly in order to support Huang Shaoqun, protect Huang Shaoqun, and even take this opportunity to completely control the outer door of the Golden Palace.

to put it simply, today's wedding banquet probably contains the absolute will of the golden palace apprentice.

this not only means that Huang Zhiqun is determined to win the domination of the outer gate, but also shows that Ye Hao and his party are bound to die today.

after all, Huang Shaoqun's wedding banquet may still be alive, but if it destroys Huang Zhiqun's layout, there is really no place to die!


almost the moment Huang Shaoqun's voice fell, in the back corner, an old man in yellow robes stepped on the soles of his feet and jumped directly into the air.

like an eagle grabbing a chicken, one paw falls directly towards Nalan Yanran's face.

one move must be killed!

obviously, what this dumb servant needs to do now is to set an example! M.

Let everyone present know that Huang Zhiqun, Gao Tu in the Golden Palace, is determined to win outside the door!

also let everyone know that those who disobey Huang Shaoqun will die!


in mid-air, the sharp sound of air-breaking and buzzing came out, the momentum was terrible, like a flood pouring out, earth-shaking.

all the guests present shook their heads subconsciously, feeling that Nalan would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

several women even compared their eyes and didn't want to see Nalan die miserably.

even Nalan Yanran's face changed.

although she has good skills and is the first instructor in the Chinese martial arts hall, how can she be the opponent of a mute servant

in the moment when she was ready to gnash her teeth, she saw the originally indifferent Qin Menghan take a step, and then punch out in front of her.

in the frightened eyes of the people, Qin Menghan's fist directly hit the mute servant's five fingers.

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"click" with a crisp sound, and a terrible sound spreads between fingers and palms.

and the right hand of the mute man began to "clap", and soon the whole right hand was twisted directly into a twist.

"Ah -"

the mournful screams came out.

the shape of the dumb servant was completely out of control, flew straight out, hit the ground, and kept twitching all over.


one move will be useless!

Huang Shaoqun and nearly 100 guests at the scene watched in a daze.

this is a master from the inner door of the Golden Palace!

is incomparably strong and should be invincible.

but was unexpectedly abandoned by the people around Ye Hao who looked indifferent

"how did this happen"

"what's going on"

"Why is this woman so scary Kill the dumb servant with one punch "

"are dumb servants belittling the enemy"

this scene makes all the guests present are in a trance.

they can't accept it anyway. a dumb servant who has been famous for many years will be vulnerable to a single blow in the hands of Qin Meng Han.

"who are you"

now, mute servants no longer seem to be mute.

he covered his arm and opened his mouth hoarsely.

"when did the younger generation have people like you"

Qin Menghan looked indifferent, but stepped back and continued to hold an umbrella for him.

"for the sake of your obsolescence, I won't kill you. I'll take care of myself."

Ye Hao glanced at the mute servant faintly, and then moved again.

it was just an indifferent look, but it made the dumb servant's heart tremble.

Ye Hao didn't do anything from the beginning to the end, but he could make people like Nalan Yanran and Qin Menghan work for him. How could he be a simple characterd and rain, he was a little excited at the moment.when Li Enzhi made a gesture, her secretary sent the contract in triplicate, and the seal and documents of the contract were signed.Li Enzhi took the...