Chapter 3562

r favorite thing to do every day is to climb the dragon and attach herself to the Phoenix.Commissioner Fang is her biggest backer these days, and she feels that her future depends on she, with...Chapter 3562

this scene not only makes Li Shaoguo have a headache, but also makes Nalan Yan ran and others nervous.

they all know very well that if this scene is not handled properly, the reputation of their top ten instructors may be ruined in this way!

after all, these days, in a place like Wucheng that advocates martial arts, you can't give people hope and disappointment, so that public opinion can crush you.

in the face of such a situation, Li Shaoguo can only call for takeout on the one hand, and on the other hand, let Nalan Yanran and others really teach a trick and a half, so as to stabilize the situation.

otherwise, everything you did today would have become a big joke.

at this time, more than a dozen bodyguards appeared, and they made a quick move, pushing a passage through the crowd around them.

then he saw a young man who was dressed in luxury goods but looked a little pale and occasionally coughed as he walked.

"instructor Nalan, this is Jin Yining. In the past, when you were the chief instructor in the Guoshu Hall, I came to the door several times and wanted to pay homage to you."

"because I know that you were born in the Golden Palace of the Holy Land of martial arts, and you are really proud of martial arts!"

"I have great admiration for your martial arts knowledge and your skills!" M.

"so, knowing that you are teaching skills here for one yuan today, I specially rushed back from other places to pay homage to my teacher!"

"you may not know about me."

"our Jin family has some relationship with the Golden Palace, the holy place of martial arts, and when I was young, I also practiced the martial arts of the Golden Palace."

"but because of the lack of guidance from a famous teacher, I went wrong and became obsessed with my practice."

"every night has burned my heart over the years!"

"I hope instructor Nalan can help me with your hand."

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"I don't want to be a loser all the time!"

"my dream in life is to be a quack ranger and a master, not to be unable to do anything like I do now.

" instructor Nalan, I'm begging you! "

hearing Jin Yining's words, the whole audience was slightly stupefied.

soon someone who knew Jin Yining was surprised to speak.

"isn't this Jin Yining, a bystander of the Kim family"

"the Jin family is the owner of the Golden Palace, so it should be very easy to help him solve the problem, right"

"you don't know anything. The Jin family has strict rules. Jin Yining is just an illegitimate child."

"he can have plenty of food and clothing, but if he wants to get martial arts resources, it's not so easy to get advice from a famous teacher!"

"I heard that he practiced indiscriminately and abandoned himself!"

"Oh, he is also a poor man. It is said that he is very kind-hearted and has a lot of stray cats and dogs in his family, but he does not expect such a person to be a loser!"

"asking instructor Naran to show him and give him advice may be his only chance." when

heard the sound of discussion around him, Nalan Yanran thought of Jin Yining of the Jin family.

when she was in the Golden Palace to learn martial arts, she also heard that this one privately practiced the martial arts of the Golden Palace without the guidance of a famous teacher, so it came to a miserable end.

the Kim family could have found an expert in the Golden Palace to help him solve the problem.

it's a pity that martial arts resources are not enough in the Jin family.

Jin Yining is a loser, how can he win over the other two generations of the Jin family

and see Jin Yining come to the door, others are also looking forward to it.

Li Shaoguo is winking at Nalan crazily at the moment. Obviously, he knows that this is an opportunity to make a point, Nangongyun looked at Ye Hao with a pitiful expression and said, "you dare to offend and provoke such a big shot.""all I can say is that you have a dead word written on your forehead."Ye Hao...