Chapter 3299

igh above in the outer world, was already kneeling on the ground, kowtowing and banging.the man in the suit, Mr. Ye slowly turned around, and he watched Master Jiang after a moment. Then faintly said,...[]

Chapter 3299

"how dare you"

Fan Xiaogu looked shocked and unbelievable.

he couldn't believe that Ye Hao dared to hit a big shot like Che Xingdu.

Che Xingdu is not only the advisor of Tianzhu Chamber of Commerce, but also the second kind of people surnamed che!

the status of such a person is higher than that of Fan Xiaocu!

how dare Ye Hao, who has no eyes, dare to do so

what's the difference between being like this and trying to die

and the car Xingdu brought gorgeous clothes men and women, as well as a group of bodyguards are directly confused, simply do not know what expression should be shown, how to react.

after all, no one thought that such a scene would happen.

didn't this guy just humble himself Didn't

also move out Sam and Wan Tianyou

isn't he pleading

Why does it just blow up the car star's head now

everyone looks so disbelieving that they almost think they are mistaken.

even Qin Menghan has a dull look on her face, although she knows that Ye Hao has always been in this style.

but she did not expect that even in the case of two to two hundred, Ye Hao did not give her opponent any face.

"son of a bitch! You want to die! "

soon, the firearm in the hands of Fan Xiaoku and a large group of Tianzhu gang pulls fiercely and points it at Ye Hao's head from a distance.

Qin Meng Han changed his expression and subconsciously blocked Ye Hao.

but Ye Hao did not even look at Fan Xiaoku and others, but put half of the remaining bottle in his hand against the throat of the car.

this scene shook the whole body of Fan Xiaoku, who was going to shoot.

if the car star really died here, then he is finished.

"Ye, release the car immediately, otherwise I will kill your whole family and dig up your ancestors for eighteen generations."

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"put the car!"

"what qualification do you have to hijack a car counselor"

while Fan Xiaogu looked frightened, the King-level Wine and Meat Toutuo also came forward subconsciously and wanted to rip Ye Hao's head off directly.

what Ye Hao did not only shocked them, but also made them feel at a loss.

after all, in the days of Tianzhu, people of the second caste always stood high and stepped on whoever they wanted.

No one has ever dared to hijack them like this.

Ye Hao ignored everyone's jumping up and down. He just looked indifferent, squinted at the car star in front of him, and said faintly, "there are few cars. Now I don't know if I need to call someone."

"I don't know if I have enough weight now."

the words are indifferent, but the undisguised murderous intention spreads at this moment.

obviously, as long as there is a disagreement, Ye Hao may kill the car Xingdu.

Qin Menghan's expression changed, but he didn't say much after all.

but the car Xingdu looked at Ye Hao without changing his face.

he reached out and touched the blood on his face. His eyes were deep, but there was no fear in his face.

compared with the expressions of Fan Xiaoku and others, the car star can be called calm and calm.

from this point alone, we can see that the pattern and demeanor of rickshaw stars are definitely not comparable to that of a Brahma foal.

Che Xingdu squinted at Ye Hao at the moment and said faintly, "you are very brave and decisive. I admire you."

"but does it make sense for you to do so"

"do you really dare to kill me"

while talking, Che Xingdu also made a gesture for others to be calm and not to worry.


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