Chapter 3249

u can do to get you out!""Don't think that because of my cousin, I will protect you!""I tell you, not only will I not protect you, but I will punish you more severely!""because only in this way can we...[]

Chapter 3249

Ning Zhilei's pretty face was shocked. She subconsciously said, "Ye Shao, you have the means to contribute to the country. I invite you."

"Mr. Rudolph, that's too much."

"I told you, I don't know anything about medicine, I only know how to kill people!"

"I hear that there is an order, and I specialize in art."

"I was just lucky to bring people back in my field of expertise."

Ye Hao waited for Ning Zhilei to finish her words, but helped Rudolph up: "after all, the old man has been injured for many years. Although he has recovered at once, he still needs to recuperate for a while."

"I'm going to trouble you, the nemesis of death!"

after saying this, Ye Hao turned and left.

Ye Hao has no intention of getting in touch with the daughter of this big dragon head, the real princess of Da Xia.

after all, there are too many young people who are chasing after him.

Ye Hao is not interested in dealing with those guys.

when leaving the No. 1 compound, Ye Hao's contacts in Wucheng went up another floor.

if there was only one Wan Tianyou obedient to him before.

then I'm afraid that from now on, Wan Tianjiu, who used to be arrogant in front of him, will have to be submissive.

but Ye Hao didn't care much about it himself.

he stepped in to save Wan Zhenhai, mainly for the sake of Wan Tianyou.

on the other hand, Ye Hao knows that Wan Zhenhai was also a figure when he was young and devoted himself to serving the country and the people.

it would be pathetic for such a person not to end well in his old age.

back to the axe gang stronghold, Ye Hao looked at the dim lights around and could not help shaking his head.

thought the place was not bad at first, but after comparing the No. 1 compound, he knew that the best place to live in Wucheng was the No. 1 compound.

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is looking for an opportunity for Wan Tianyou to buy a villa for Zheng Maner to live in in the No. 1 compound, when a sweet voice comes from behind.


Zheng Xiaoxuan came out of nowhere, bouncing around Ye Hao's arm and said," are you free tonight, brother-in-law "

Today's Zheng Xiaoxuan is in a good mood. She wears a small black Chanel dress, and her shoulder-length sleeves reveal snow-white skin, which is very eye-catching.

and she should have just finished bathing, with a faint girlish scent on her body, which makes people take a deep breath instinctively.

"what are you doing home What about your sister and your mother "

Ye Hao calmed his mind and pulled out his hand.

Zheng Xiaoxuan said with a smile, "my sister has entered the female president mode and is now working overtime!"

"my mother said that 40% of the shares were hers, so she kept watching."

"but as a vice president, I had nothing to do, so I came back early."

"by the way, brother-in-law, you haven't told me whether you are free tonight or not." Zheng Xiaoxuan changed the subject.

Ye Hao thought about it and said, "I'm free. What can I do for you"

"good! Then you're going to be my boyfriend all night! "

Zheng Xiaoxuan spoke with a smile.

"I have a dinner party tonight. Some upper-class people in Wucheng are going to get together. I just met several friends today."

"so I think it's safer to take your brother-in-law with you."

"the gathering of upper-class circles in Wucheng" Ye Hao frowned slightly.

they are all outsiders who have entered the upper-class circle of Wucheng and are supposed to be excluded.

but now someone invites Zheng Xiaoxuan to dinner

this makes Ye Hao instinctively feel that something is wrong.


,care how you bitch offended Ye Shao, and I don't care whose thigh you're still holding!""but I'll give you two choices now!""first, you kneel in front of Ye Hao and beg him to let you go!""second, I w...