Chapter 3223

gas and blood, and finally couldn't hold his breath, tilting his head and this time, an old man in Tang costume came out of the other courtyard. When he saw this, he roared, "Little bastard!...Chapter 3223

especially in Majiacheng, after meditating for a moment, he smiles bitterly.

as long Tianao said, if Ye Hao's whole family is true, if Wan Tianjiu appears, he is naturally dead.

but this whole thing was originally aimed at Ye Haobu's bureau, and now what I fear most is what is detected by the keen Wan Tianjiu.

then at that time, you will really drop a rock on your own foot.

seeing Ma Jiacheng's embarrassed expression, the Longfei Bureau on one side stepped forward and said, "long Shao, actually I am very curious about one thing."

"that's Zheng Maner, this woman. Why did she reject your kindness"

"in theory, their husband and wife are of one mind and should choose to save lives."

"but what she is doing at the moment seems to be pushing Ye Hao into the fire pit!"

"can we continue to start with her"

"this woman is a little more troublesome than I thought."

when Zheng Maner was mentioned, long Tianao's face became cold.

"I can see that she has real feelings for people surnamed Ye, but her feelings seem to be a little contradictory."

"for example, in this case, on the one hand, she wants to save people, on the other hand, she believes that Ye is innocent."

"but in the end, she chose to believe Ye, saying that Wang Fa would give Ye an innocence"

"is she blindly trusting Ye, or is she out of her mind"

long Tian arrogant cold hum, obviously arranged a big play, but the most key actor refused to cooperate.

A series of measures he arranged failed, which made long Tian, who had always been a last resort, extremely unhappy.

the Dragon Flying Bureau frowned and said, "long Shao, does this woman see our layout"

"after all, she went to prison because of our relationship, and now it's normal to be on guard against us."

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long Tianao said faintly: "although she is defensive against us, that stupid woman Tang Ling is totally on our side."

"and according to the information I got, Zheng Maner has always been obedient to her mother."

"but this time, even Tang Ling opened her mouth like this, and she was still stubborn."

"it seems that she trusts Ye far more than I imagined."

"Don't let Ye's name fall apart. I'm afraid the marriage between me and the Modu Zhen family will also draw water from bamboo baskets."

at this point, long Tianao sighed.

getting close to Zheng Maner, pursuing Zheng Maner, and then harming Zheng Maner

step by step, a move, all through his careful calculation.

things finally developed to the most critical stage, but because of Zheng Maner's "emotional action" and fell short of success, it is a pity that it is a lie.

the Dragon Flying Bureau meditated for a long time and then slowly said, "Dragon Shao, then we really don't do anything"

long Tianao glanced at the Longfei Bureau and said faintly, "with people like Wan Tianjiu staring at this matter, we naturally can't do anything to Ye Hao, nor can we do anything from the level of the chain of evidence." but there are still some things we can do. "

"it doesn't matter if Xiong Haonan is dead and Xiong Yuanhua is dead."

"they are all small potatoes, so they can't cause any big waves."

"but don't forget one thing, that is, long Aotai is also dead."

"at least he used to be the vice master of Longmen Law Enforcement Hall!"

"he's dead, there's got to be a storm, isn't it"

the Dragon Flying Bureau was stupefied for a moment, and after a moment a cold look appeared on his face and nodded slightly. Sun Rong, but picked up the teacup by himself.this scene made Sun Rong, dressed in Givenchy, look like he ate ** on his face.obviously she came to teach Ye Hao a lesson, but she obviously came to giv...