cap. 311

Hao, he is now more disdainful.what can a woman's trash do He was allowed to trample on it as much as he wanted.this door-to-door son-in-law knows how to do it. If he doesn't know how to do it, there...Chapter 311

at this moment, Zhao Shi, who is slumped on the ground, is a little dumbfounded.

this woman has always been vain, so she is somewhat knowledgeable.

she has seen it after a series of things just now. It seems that Ye Hao, really the boss of this group, doesn't see the leader who is respectful to him

but. How is that possible It is clear that he is just a loser door-to-door son-in-law!

every time I went to Zheng's house over the past three years, this trash was either washing his feet or washing the toilet, and even the smelly shoes and socks he didn't want to wash could be brought to this loser.

but. He turns out to be the boss of the road, which simply subverts Zhao Shi's understanding.

but now that he knows his identity, does it mean that he is likely to kill himself

at this moment, Zhao Shi is really scared. All these people on the street are ruthless. If they really want to do something, they will disappear from the world and don't know what's going on.

"Ye Hao. Master Ye. " Zhao Shi knelt hard in front of Ye Hao, holding his thigh, his face was covered with tears. "I was wrong, I was really wrong."

Zhao Shi is extremely ashamed at the moment.

it never occurred to her that one day she would kneel in front of this door-to-door son-in-law and hold his thigh and beg for mercy.

Ye Hao looked at her with a smile and said, "didn't you just say that you want Maner to throw me out of the house and make me beg without land"

"I was wrong! I really know I was wrong! " Zhao Shi trembled, "I beg you, please let me go for the sake of Sister Maner. I don't want to die yet."

"and I won't tell anyone what I saw tonight. I'm rotten in my stomach!" I swear! I promise! "

"guarantee" Ye Hao said faintly, "what are you going to guarantee"

"me. Me. " Zhao Shi bit her red lip and whispered a moment later, "Master, you are my master from today. I am your puppy. I won't say anything. I will listen to my master."

"Wang Wang" Zhao Shi whispered two words of dog barking.

Ye Hao is shocked at the moment. Is this Zhao's poem really undignified

she didn't ask her to do this herself. How could she bark like a dog herself

when Zhao Shi finished screaming, her face was already flushed.

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in the past, what he looked down upon most was Ye Hao, and he even felt sick to see him, but today he has given up all his dignity in front of Ye Hao.

"this is the end of the matter. I don't have this abnormal hobby. Remember, if what happened today is known to anyone, your life will be worse than death." Ye Hao shook his head, ignored her, turned around and left.

"Yes, yes," Zhao Shifei said quickly. "Don't worry, master. I won't say a word about today."

Ye Hao, who was about to go out, staggered. This woman has not already entered the play, has she

but he had work to do now, and he didn't take it to heart, but left quickly.


the next morning, at the gate of Ye's Investment Company, a Bentley with a provincial license plate stopped again.

Ye Liqiu got out of the car with a frown and looked at the office building in front of her, looking a little ugly.

that pretty boy, who has just become president, dared not go back to wait on her last night.

he doesn't think he's turned around once he becomes president, does he

it seems necessary to let him know who is in charge today.

when Ye Liqiu walked into the company gate with a group of bodyguards, several security guards stopped her.

Ye Hao returned to the company last night and has taken care of everything. Even the company's security guards have been temporarily replaced by Wu Xiaohu's people, just waiting for Ye Liqiu's arrival.

"A good dog is out of the way, get out of the way!" One of Ye Liqiu's bodyguards said coldly, "do you know who this lady is" She is a dignitary from the Ye family. When your president meets her, you have to get down on your knees. Do you know the consequences if you stand in the way "

temporary security chief Wu Xiaohu came over with a smile and bowed over: "it's a dignitary from the provincial capital. Please, the president has already told him that you will come, but now he has some small things to deal with, and the secretary to the president will entertain you in his office first."

"after being president for a day, you start to put on airs in front of me Tell him to get back here! "

Ye Liqiu's face is covered with frost. she doesn't know that Jiang Wenzhuo has fallen into the hands of Ye Hao. She still thinks that the so-called president is that ungrateful pretty boy, Jiang Wenzhuo.

now she walked towards the elevator with an angry face, and behind her, Wu Xiaohu smiled and made a phone call to Ye Hao.g gambling rudder is located in the Taiping Mountains, many dignitaries who also live in the Taiping Mountains have sent people to check it out, but even the leaders of the port city have been invited...