Chapter 3215

n be compared with the King Kong in Xiaofeng Temple""or did I underestimate him and underestimate the enemy"Takei Kawashima looks a little strange at the moment. After he became the god of war, he did...Chapter 3215

at the moment, Mu Nianshuang, with an air of condescension, said angrily, "tell me all your crimes!"

"Why do you want to pay attention *!"

"how to thank you *!"

who did you kill

"be clear! Let's be clear! "

"Wang Fa, I will give you justice!"

Zheng Maner's college classmate

Ye Hao glanced at Mu Nian with interest, and then said faintly, "in fact, you don't have any hard evidence to prove that I love you."

"I'm telling you, I didn't do it at all. Can you believe it"

the male detective on one side was stupefied for a moment, then sneered and said, "Ye, the video surveillance shows you clearly and clearly. You were at the scene of the incident, and you have a motive!"

"what do you have to argue about"

Ye Hao shrugged his shoulders and said, "this is your preconception!"

"Don't say it wasn't me in that video!"

"what does it mean if I'm on the scene and I'm there"

"can't I go shopping for a walk and see the scenery"

"what's more, isn't it normal for Xiong Haonan to offend so many people in Wucheng over the years that someone casually wants to kill him"


"this is sophistry!"

the male detective slapped the table so long that the ashtrays jumped up.

"We have made it clear that you are the culprit who entered the scene and started the fire."

"We're taking statements now, but it's just a routine interview!"

"you did this!"

"believe it or not!"

Ye Hao looks indifferent and his tone is calm.

"I haven't done it, but I haven't done it. I have a clear conscience!"

"Oh, you still say you have a clear conscience!"

"how did you threaten Xiong Haonan in front of our police station yesterday, but many people saw it!"

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"what's the point of your sophistry"

Mu Nianshuang's pretty face is extremely gloomy.

"Ye Hao, you have committed a terrible crime, and the impact of this incident is also very bad!"

"I really want to help you, but you won't tell the truth to me, so don't regret it!"

obviously, Mu Nianshuang occasionally contacted Zheng Maner before.

so she probably knows how useless Ye Hao's door-to-door son-in-law is!

therefore, she is also convinced that this door-to-door son-in-law will really do something in order to prove himself.

is it true that someone framed him

does Xiong Haonan have enough to eat

framing a door-to-door son-in-law with the life of the whole family

Ye Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense with Mu Nian, but said faintly, "I think, as a citizen of Daxia, am I qualified to make a phone call now"

"cut the crap. I'm taking a statement for you now. What civil rights are you talking about"

Mu Nian's face is gloomy.

"do you think I'm too kind to you because I didn't let anyone do anything to you instead, you have to do whatever you want!"

Ye Hao said faintly, "I already told you, this has nothing to do with me. I didn't do it!"

"I just need to tell the truth. How to verify is not your police station's business"

"I need to make a phone call now."

"you have no right to restrict my calls until you truly confirm my guilt."

"you can listen to it by the side."

"I don't mind."

"of course, you can also refuse my reasonable request!"

"but I can complain about you!"

"all right!" With a sneer on his face, Mu Nian said, "do you still know the law"

"but knowing the law and breaking the law adds to the crime!"

"I'm telling you, it doesn't matter who you call!"

"I Mu Nianshuang will never be your umbrella!" let her wash up for nothing and have a good time with herself.if you have had enough fun, then leave it to your subordinates to play slowly. This is the style of other people."Fang Da Shao, I don't k...