Chapter 3104

, wonderful, the speeches of the leaders of the League can be included in the patriotic manual.""but does it make sense""not at all!""when I say this, I just want to remind you that things can't drag...Chapter 3104

Ye Jiutian also slowly raised his head and squinted at Ye Hao more than ten meters away.

how is it possible!

he thinks he has investigated all of Ye Hao's information very well, and he thinks he knows Ye Hao's details and abilities.

Ye Jiutian has already used 90% of his strength with that knife.

in his calculation, he will directly break Ye Hao with this knife.

then, with the deterrent of a resounding victory, he went straight to the top of the door of gambling in Hong Kong.

but now Ye Hao, the son of a bitch, is on a par with himself

or even vaguely, how much better than yourself

is it difficult for this son of a bitch to hide his strength all the time

has been preparing to kill himself all the time

at the thought of this, Ye Jiutian's eyes are even colder, and his intention to kill is even more undisguised.

for him, the younger generation only needs one god of war, that is, he Ye Jiutian!

if Ye Hao has the possibility of surpassing his Ye Jiutian, then Ye Jiutian will directly strangle Ye Hao.

after all, for him, Ye Jiutian, there should be no more awesome characters in the world.

"Yes, Ye Hao, you are very good."

"you're better than what I've seen before, not a point or two."

Ye Jiutian shook the long knife of the island nation in his hand, showing a cold smile.

"if it takes time, you might be able to beat me."

"but today, your end is doomed!"

while speaking, Ye Jiutian slowly twisted his neck to stretch his whole body and give full play to his strength.

Ye Hao said faintly, "really"

"is Ye Jiutian so confident"

"if I told you that I didn't even use 30% of my strength just now, would you have to freak out now"

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"30% strength"

Ye Jiutian gave a cold smile.

"Ye Hao, how hard did you waste your strength just now to swallow the blood you were about to spray do you think I don't know"

"30% strength"

"I see you just gave up all your strength to suck milk, didn't you"

"Today I will show you how ignorant and stupid you really are!"

"Let you know what is meant by being strong and what is meant by respecting moral people!"


the next moment, Ye Jiutian gave a cold drink, he carried the long knife of the island, his body flashed, and went straight into the body.

I have to admit that Ye Jiutian is a puppet cultivated by the people of the island.

his knife style is wide open and close. Although it is based on the Daxia traditional saber, it also mixes the flavor of island kendo.

this makes his knife style, in the fierce, with the unique femininity and trickiness of the island people, very characteristic.

is like a poisonous snake that may spit out a letter at any time, so one can't help but want to take a look at it.

Ye Hao originally planned to cut Ye Jiutian with one knife, but Ye Hao was a little more interested in Ye Jiutian's tricks.

he suppressed his impulse to kill Ye for nine days, and accompanied Ye Jiutian to feed him one move at a time, so as to master the secret of Ye Jiutian's knife.


when the two sides passed more than a dozen strokes, the chrysanthemum text in Ye Hao's hand was suddenly interrupted.

this so-called island treasure knife does not seem to be of good quality.

Ye Jiutian gave a cold smile when he saw Ye Hao subconsciously withdraw and thought he had gained the upper hand.

he approached quickly, and the long knife in his hand waved like a hurricane and torrential rain.e."this is the declaration of the Qilu Zhang family giving up the contract of 100 million yuan.""this is a billion yuan contract signed by the Zhang family in Qilu and Zheng Maner.""the most important...