chapter 299

ance to continue his nonsense, Chu Nanxuan struck so fast that he broke all his limbs a moment later.then, amid Lu Tianpeng's wailing, he quickly ran to Ye Hao, hung his head and said, "Ye Shao, that...chapter 299

Arriving at the apartment rented by Zhao Shi, she immediately changed into a set of home clothes, making her already enchanting figure more sexy and perfect.

Jiang Wenzhuo looked at this scene and smiled. How could a veteran like him not see such an obvious seduction

Sigh, it seems that people have to be rich.

When he was only the young master of the Jiang family in the past, the Jiang family, a third-rate family, really couldn't bring him too many resources. It was not easy for him to take a fancy to Zheng Man 'er, but she ignored him at all.

But it's different now. It's really nice to have such a good thing on the first day he takes office as a new president.

While Zhao Shi was cooking, Jiang Wenzhuo walked behind her, held her slender waist, and said,"Zhao Shi, your cooking skills are a bit unsightly..."

Zhao Shi was a little excited at the moment. She instantly became nervous: "You... Go and wait for me in the living room. I will be fine soon..." 33 Novel Network

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Although she had made up her mind, she was still a little nervous.

Jiang Wenzhuo suddenly reached out and grabbed Zhao Shi's arm.

Zhao Shi was so nervous that he didn't know what to do now, but thinking about his dream of marrying into a wealthy family.

Jiang Wenzhuo smiled lightly and carried Zhao Shi into the bedroom.

But Zhao Shi walked out with a strange expression and went to the bathroom to take a bath with a complicated expression.

In the bedroom, Jiang Wenzhuo looked hopeless.

"Zhao Shi, don't worry. I'm just too tired from traveling and traveling these few days. After I take office, I'll come back tonight to have a good time with you." Jiang Wenzhuo put on his clothes and said awkwardly in the living room.

Zhao Shi nodded softly and looked conflicted in the bathroom.

Could it be that I had to marry such a man in order to marry into a wealthy family made a toast instead of punishment, and I like to be wild.""I'll say the same thing. Get out of the way."lose face!this is a total loss of not just about not giving Xia Siyan face.what Ye Hao...