Chapter 3059

n all the way to the scene of the the moment, I see two groups of people in the field.A batch of construction teams are invited.another group of people they don't know.all of them are fero...Chapter 3059

"son of a bitch! Stop right there! "

just as Ye Hao was about to walk through the red carpet gate, Ye Baibing, dressed up, walked out.

she took a group of men and women in gorgeous clothes, looking indifferent and blocking Ye Hao's way.

"Ye, I won't talk about the old grievances."

"but today is the birthday of the old gentleman of our family."

"as a guest, you don't know the slightest caution, but you make trouble one after another in the territory of gambling Yemen in Hong Kong!"

"those who know, understand that you are here for your birthday!"

"people who don't know think you're here to smash the place!"

"so, I don't care why you deserve to be here today, or why you fought with someone else before!"

"but since you don't give us face for gambling in Hong Kong, we don't have to give you face either!"

"now you are blacklisted by us!" Get out of here! "

"you are not welcome in Gambling Yemen in Hong Kong!"

Ye Bai Bing's pretty face was cold, and behind her stood the people in the big room and the second room, looking at Ye Hao's eyes full of cold.

these people who gamble in Yemen in Hong Kong don't care about right or wrong, they care about face.

but no matter what Ye Hao did before or what he did today, he is betting on the face of Yemen in Hong Kong.

to put it simply, these people have seen rampant, have never seen so rampant!

"Ye, you are so arrogant!"

"do you think that with the support of the door owner and the identity of an honored guest, you can act recklessly here"

"the royal family of the island, princes of the Middle East and princesses of northern Europe dare not be arrogant here!"

"people from the holy places of martial arts, the top ten families and the five powerful families have to be respectful when they come to attend their birthdays!"

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"and you're here to ruin it!"

"get out!" You are not welcome! "

this group of people who gamble in Yemen in Hong Kong jump up and down, and they don't like Ye Hao.

apart from what Ye Hao did to embarrass them, the most important reason is that these people understand that Ye Hao is on Ye Wenzheng's side.

there is a great conflict of interest, so people who can let Ye Hao go, these people in big houses and second rooms will never be polite.

Ye Hao looked indifferent in the face of thousands of people, but only smiled.

his smile is very warm and ordinary, but in Ye Baibing's view, there is a kind of indescribable disdain and indifference.

"I came here at the invitation of Lord Ye and Mrs. Tang."

"the doorman personally invited you cats and dogs, are you qualified to let me go"

"including you, Ye Baibing!"

"the water spilled by one of your married daughters."

"since when are you qualified to show off in front of me"

"Don't forget, seeing me is like seeing Lord Yemen."

"you can either stand down now or get down on your knees. There is no second choice."

"Yo, how arrogant!"

Ye Bai gave a cold smile.

"the fourth doesn't dare to be so arrogant on his birthday. You are such an arrogant boy who pretends to be a tiger."

"Why, I Ye Baibing won't let you in. Who else dares to open the way for you"

the voice fell, Ye Baibing clapped her hands, and suddenly there were many elites of Hong Kong gamblers around them, each of whom had firearms in their hands, and the swarthy muzzle was aimed at Ye Hao.

obviously, whenever they disagree, they will pull the trigger.

these should be the direct forces of Dafang and Ye Jiutian, so they are very arrogant and domineering.rts of Yangcheng, adjacent to the coast of Hong Kong City.this place is called the Gold Coast and overlooks Victoria Harbour in Harbour City.this place is full of large manors and villas. People who c...