Chapter 3022

guarded by more than a dozen people at the moment, all dressed in camouflage uniforms, tall and tall, and they should all be retired soldiers of the United States.the car stopped at the door of the v...Chapter 3022

Ye Hao looks indifferent and his words are sarcastic.

as he spoke, he pulled out a tissue and wiped his hands in disgust.

this scene makes the eyelids of the leaf manager jump.

the next moment, Chief Ye finally responded. He stamped his foot and shouted, "presumptuous!"

Ye Hao!

"you are so presumptuous, you little brat!"

"how dare you even beat up the manager of Yemen in Hong Kong"

"even Lao Lao Jun's people dare to fight!"

"do you still have a Hong Kong gambling gate in mind"

"is there an old lady!"

Ye Hao smiled indifferently: "Manager Ye, are you blind"

"can't you see that a servant just offended me"

"if you commit the following crimes, this is a big taboo for gambling in Hong Kong!"

"as an honored guest of the door, that is absolutely up."

"you are not even sure when you are in charge, and you are going to talk to me about the king's law Rules "

his eyes were cold and his tone was sarcastic: "still, you are just talking about the so-called king's laws and rules."

"when things are good for you, everyone should act in accordance with the king's law and rules."

"when things go against you, the laws and rules become unnecessary"

"in that case, can I understand it as."

"your manager Ye didn't even turn a blind eye to the old gentleman of Yemen in Hong Kong"

"you just use her as a sign and act unscrupulously"

"Manager Ye, what is your intention"

"this is disrespectful!"


Leaf Manager was trembling with anger.

it has always been he who scares people with the signboard of the old Yemen gentleman who gambles in Hong Kong.

but unexpectedly today, he was hit in the face with the sign of Lao Lao Jun.

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at this moment, Manager Ye finally tore off the false mask, and then squinted at Ye Hao and said, "Ye!"

"you are challenging the dignity of gamblers in Hong Kong!"

"provoke the authority of the old lady!"

"you want to die!"

as he spoke, in the woods behind him, more than a dozen Qingyi stewards came out in a murderous manner.

they all look like they are going to take Ye Hao down at any time.

"I'm not interested in challenging you."

Ye Hao looks indifferent.

"it's just that it's my own business where I like to stay and how long I like to stay."

"there are two cities in Hong Kong and gambling. I'll come as soon as I want to come and go if I want to go."

"it all depends on my mood."

"if you want to play golden words, please close the door and have enough fun at home."

"this world does not belong to Hong Kong gambling Yemen, nor does it belong to the old gentleman, much less does it belong to your manager Ye."

"do you want to be an emperor in the summer"

"Wake up, the whip has been dead for a hundred years, okay"

Ye Qingmei sighed when he heard Ye Hao's words and quickly took out his cell phone and sent a message.

she knows very well that there must be no way to stop what happened today.


looking at Ye Hao, Chief Ye let out a burst of wild laughter.

"Ye Hao, I've seen a lot of arrogant people."

"I've seen a lot of people who are older and younger."

"I've seen countless drug lords in the Golden Triangle, pirates in Somalia, princes in the Middle East!"

"but none of these superior people dare to be as arrogant and indifferent to life or death as you are!"

"the old man brought the team here to give you a chance, but you said that Yemen in Hong Kong gambling could not control you"

"do you think it's great that you overthrew the Kensei of the two island countries";should I say that Shao Lengshuang does not know whether to live or die, or is she self-righteousShao Lengshuang hummed, "isn't it""is it through the slaughter of the people of the Tang Dynasty and th...