Chapter 3002

ather always talks eloquently. Are you questioning him when you say that""No, I'm afraid this kid is faking it. He's telling the truth about this Fuchunshan Jutu. I even wonder if he faked this painti...Chapter 3002

"No, Master Ye, what are you talking about"

after Ye Jiufeng moved the corner of his mouth for a moment, he said with a bit of difficulty, "as a young master of gambling in Hong Kong, you can already control the second generation of Hong Kong gambling."

"I'm going to report it to you myself after I'm done with it."

"it's just that I didn't expect you to be so well-informed, so you came first."

"I'll tell you what, how about going to your place to explain it in detail after you report my story to the doorman"

the smile on Ye Jiutian's face seemed to be like a spring breeze when he heard Ye Jiufeng intentionally and unwittingly mention the word "door owner".

he stepped forward, reached out and patted Ye Jiufeng on the shoulder. "Nine letters, don't forget," he said faintly.

"apart from being your young master, I am also your cousin."

"this time, it's not that I'm well-informed, but that you've done a good job of keeping secrets!"

"Why didn't you tell my cousin in advance when you went to the island country to do such a dangerous thing"

"even if I can't accompany you, can I send some experts to protect you"

"or are you on guard against me"

"you're afraid I'll take your credit.

" because you want it, too. Get to the top "

when it comes to the word "superior", Ye Jiutian's expression is indifferent, but Ye Jiufeng's face suddenly changes.

he can say in front of Ye Hao that he wants to be in office, and he can also have such an idea in his mind.

but when these two words appear in Ye Jiutian's mouth, everything is different.

"but that's right. Ye Hao is standing next to you now."

"if you don't want to get to the top, why are you standing with Ye Hao"

"after all, Ye Hao's appearance in the two cities of Hong Kong and gambling this time is aimed at my position."

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when Ye Jiufeng's face changed again and again, Ye Jiutian looked at Ye Hao with a smile, then held out his hand and said faintly, "Ye Hao, Ye Da Shao, although this is not the first time we have met."

"but I think it would be better to have a formal acquaintance today."

"by the way, I would also like to ask what on earth Ye Jiutian has offended you, Ye Hao Da Shao."

"so much so that Ye Hao turned against me again and again"

"it's not enough to get a light eyebrow out of a leaf."

"now you want to get another Ye Jiufeng"

Ye Hao looked at the moment with a smile, and Ye Jiutian, whose eyes were as bright as a serpent, smiled faintly: "in fact, it's not impossible for a young master who wants me to let you go and let you continue to gamble in Yemen in Hong Kong."

"as long as Ye Jiutian can promise me one condition, then I can swear by Heaven. From now on, I will no longer interfere in anything in Hong Kong Gambling Yemen."


"who are you to say that"

"Don't you know who's in front of you"

"that's Ye Jiutian, the young master of Yemen in Hong Kong!"

Guo Yingzi and others immediately flew into a rage.

they did not expect that Ye Hao would not give Ye Jiutian face even in front of him.

some of the pro-guards in Hong Kong Gambling Gate, who were originally standing in the distance, are now stepping forward one by one, pressing their firearms around their waist.

as long as Ye Jiutian has an order, I'm afraid they will do it directly.

but now Ye Jiutian is not in a hurry to do it. He just smiles silently and waves his hand as a sign for others not to be impulsive.

then he squinted at Ye Hao and said, "Ye Hao is big and young. Why don't you tell me what the conditions are so that you can mind your own business instead of dogs and mice."e was petrified and the whole crew was in a mess.Zheng Xiaoxuan even ran to the corner and trembled constantly, because by a little bit, the curtain would fall on her body.the consequences.thinking of...