Chapter 2952

ng will never let Ye Hao ruin her own good."I'm begging you, okay"."or do you think I didn't give you enough money""Let's go!""I'll give you as much as you want!"at the moment, Tang Ling jumped up and...Chapter 2952

Zheng Maner feels haggard when he sees his mother jumping up and down.

she hasn't been in touch with Ye Hao for more than half a month, and what happened in Hong Kong and Las Vegas is still fresh in her mind.

Zheng Maner doesn't want to believe that Ye Hao really wants to kill his mother.

but the scene of being stained with blood kept appearing before her eyes.

reason told Zheng Maner that if Ye Hao wanted to make a fuss, he would certainly be cleaner.

but what you have seen and seen with your own eyes makes people dream back every night.

as soon as he thought of this, Zheng Maner sighed and whispered, "Mom, can we please stop talking about this"

when she saw her daughter's expression, Tang Ling, who knew her daughter Mo as her mother, was overjoyed, then smiled and said, "all right, let's not talk about this son of a bitch!"

"by the way, Longshanshao invited me to dine at the newly opened geocentric restaurant at the pothole Hotel tonight. It is said that we are the first guests."

"Why don't you come and see it with me"

Zheng Maner shook his head and said, "No, I have several executive meetings tonight."

"go, I must go!"

"combination of work and rest! As a girl, it's important for you to find a good family to marry, why do you work so hard every day "

"and after you marry long 13, he will give us another 20% of the income from developing the gold mine, so we can lie on top of the gold and count the money. Why do you work so hard"

"anyway, I've decided on tonight!"

"Don't be so grumpy!"

Tang Ling is as strong as ever, especially after she has been touted by long Tianao recently, she is even more arrogant and strong.

as she spoke, she made a sign to the driver that he was ready to drive.

seeing the end of the first wave of confrontation between mother and sister, Zheng Xiaoxuan in the corner said weakly, "Mom, sister, I don't know how to eat tonight."

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"but let's have hot pot at noon."

"it is said that the new Michelin hot pot restaurant in Lujiazui is a sign-in point for Internet celebrities."

"Don't go."

Tang Ling locked the car door and whispered, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking."

"from now on, neither of you sisters can leave me."

"you have to go to the pothole hotel tonight to see if long Shisan can help you find a young son."

"when both of you sisters marry into the top families, I will be at ease."

Tang Ling looks expectant.

after seeing people like long Tianao from top families, she doesn't like ordinary rich people at all.

before, she also targeted Ye Hao's Tianri Group.

but now I feel that a newly listed Tian Ri Group is a fart in the eyes of the real top tycoons.

"Mom, I don't want to get married. I'm on the rise in my career."

"Kaishan Group called me the other day to build me into a top online celebrity star."

"in the future, I can earn 2.08 million yuan a day, or 800 million a year!"

"I want to be a rich family on my own!"

Zheng Xiaoxuan thought of something and hurriedly opened her mouth. She didn't want to be forced by her mother to go on a blind date.

"2.08 million a day."

Tang Ling was shocked for a moment, but she quickly reacted and said coldly, "even if there can be 2.08 million billion a year, how long can you earn"

"this kind of youth meal won't last a few years!"

"you might as well find a better son-in-law while you are young and beautiful now. I'll tell you, don't be like your sister and make me haggard!"

"I have made a deal with long Shishixiao, asking him to introduce to you the son of the five legendary masters."

"just sit on Jinshan and Silver Mountain and count your money!", he should be able to guide the world and determine the universe in one word.but I didn't expect such a great disgrace at the first stop in Jinling.this is simply unbearable and unbearable!thinking t...