Chapter 2897

time. After you swallow it, it will be all right within a month.""but if you don't swallow the antidote on time, you will shed your skin and die.""however, taking this antidote is a way to drink pois...Chapter 2897

"secondly, Jason Lee has a four princesses around, which actually shows that Jason Lee has the full support of the imperial family that the sun never sets."

"do the four top families who used to be surnamed Sunset really dare to have a life-and-death relationship with their old masters"

"so the news I got is that the four top families have reached an agreement to work together to prepare an astronomical check, as well as some valuable assets and shares to give to Jason Lee."

"they hope to stun Jason Lee when the king returns with money."

"moreover, they also believe that Jason Lee came back this time to kill them, but he did not do it the first time, but instead gave them enough time to react."

"so they decided to use money to settle the old case six years ago."

"you see, Jason Lee hasn't done it yet, he just occupied a villa of the Li family."

"the four top families are already on their knees."

"the interior of Hong Kong gambling leaf gate is also fragmented. How do you want me to do it"

Ye Wenzheng sighed that he really has the strength to deal with this matter, but with the engagement between Ye Qingmei and Li Jiesun, he is still Lee's nominal father-in-law at the moment. How can a father-in-law directly send troops to kill a prospective son-in-law

"four Top families"

Ye Hao sneered slightly.

these four top families, the so-called four young people in Hong Kong City, have always been used to playing with wind and rain. This time he came to Hong Kong to gamble on a lot of things in the two cities, there are the shadow of these four top families.

although it is said that they were working for Ye Jiutian before, each was his own master.

but now that he sees them kneeling so fast, Ye Hao understands the style of these four top families better.

bully the weak and fear the hard!

when they encounter absolutely powerful opponents, they dare not confront each other. All they can think of is to kneel directly.

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"in fact, the four top families directly knelt down and even went to become Jason Lee's pig teammates, which doesn't matter."

Ye Wenzheng spoke softly.

"what worries me most is that after they get down on their knees and under the direction of Jason Li, they directly unite with Ye Jiutian to make trouble on the birthday of the old lady."

"as long as the old gentleman is forced to agree to the engagement, and as long as I have to abdicate, Jason Lee wins."

"as far as Ye Jiutian's character is concerned, under such circumstances, as long as he is in power, he can pay any price."

"once Jason Lee takes this opportunity to intervene in the gambling gate of Hong Kong."

"then the enclave of Port City will exist in name only."

at this point, Ye Wenzheng had a bigger headache. He finally used Ye Qingmei's chess piece, which made Ye Jiutian's position chaotic.

but unexpectedly, the return of King Jason Lee made the situation even more chaotic.

after squinting for a moment, Ye Hao said faintly, "you can join hands with the Hong Kong City Government, Dragon Hall, and Longmen."

"if you cut down Jason Lee, you wouldn't have so many worries."

"difficult, too difficult."

Ye Wenzheng sighed.

"the international metropolis of Hong Kong City, this is both an advantage and a disadvantage."

"people in Hong Kong City are used to freedom, and this is also the place where third-rate and nine religions converge."

"once I do join hands with the government to kill Jason Lee, then the Western media will have the best political excuse to attack me in the summer."

"even some conscientious people can mobilize the political tactics of malicious people, and at that time, this international metropolis will be destroyed."

"so, if you don't need it, try not to use it." Xing Lei refused to do so.but now she feels that calling Ye Hao a host may be a matter of self-promotion."I have no idea either."Xing Hongyi nodded slightly."but I can figure it out, didn't he say He...