Chapter 2873

."Ye Jiutian's face changed sharply!he had no idea that Ye Hao, a shameless fellow, dared to sow discord between their brothers.although their brothers really don't have much affection.Jason Lee also...Chapter 2873

was detained by the security guard, Chen Tongxin's face was struggling and pleading, and her expression was hysterical.

"go around me, go around me for the last time!"

"I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

as Chen Tongxin began to beg, her agent and her staff also began to cry.

in the eyes of the masses who don't know the truth, Chen Tongxin has now become the object of being bullied.

when Chen Tongxin and his group disappeared, Ye Qingmei said faintly, "this woman can be regarded as a figure. At first, she tried to fight us to the end, but now she begins to kneel and beg for mercy."

"you can bend and stretch!"

"not necessarily." Ye Hao stood up and went to the back door. "I'll go out and have a look."

Ye Hao's figure quickly disappeared while he was talking.

Ye Qingmei frowned slightly, and there was a hint of reflection between her eyebrows. M.


in the square of Victoria Harbour, Chen Tongxin, who was left here, knelt in the direction of Linhai Restaurant.

she looks like a pear blossom with rain, but she is still crying and crying constantly.

words are all begging for mercy. I hope Ye Qingmei, the eldest lady in Yemen, Hong Kong, will let her go.

this scene made many passers-by gasp, and some people opened the Duyin software and began to shoot short videos.

after all, Chen Tongxin is so famous that as soon as this video is shot, it will immediately become a hot event.

soon, the news spread like wildfire that Ye Qingmei, the eldest lady in Yemen, Hong Kong, had cracked down on Chen Tongxin.

especially when there is a video and the truth, Chen Tongxin, who is raining in Lihua, immediately harvested a wave of sympathy on the Internet.

after all, netizens have a three-minute memory. After Chen Tongxin's video was removed from the shelves, most people forgot that Chen Tongxin was a big star who betrayed his country and sought glory.

the drama in front of me is more exciting and more topical.

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this makes people feel absolutely sorry and sympathetic to Chen Tongxin, but also full of anger at Ye Qingmei.

for a while, a scorching sun on the Internet burned to Ye Qingmei and to Hong Kong Gambling Yemen.

at a time when online public opinion was about the same, Chen Tongxin finally disappeared into the street with rain and entered a business car that had been ready for a long time.

however, the rainy and pathetic pear blossoms on Chen Tongxin's face disappeared as soon as she entered the car door.

she looks cold, and her eyes are a little more cold and ferocious when she falls to the Linhai restaurant.

"go back to the hotel!"

soon, under her command, the business car sped into the parking lot under the three seasons hotel.

after Chen Tongxin took out a mask and put it on, she got out of the car and returned to the presidential suite.

after taking out the key card and opening it, I saw a young man with curly hair sitting on the sofa in the living room.

the man is sipping coffee with a tablet in his hand and flipping through materials.

on the wall opposite him, the classic "Soul-broken Blue Bridge" is showing the heroine jumping into the sea.

Chen Tongxin closed the door, put on a pair of Balenciaga black stockings, then sat down opposite the man, folded her long legs and said softly, "Mr. Li, I'm back!"

"everything is done according to your instructions, and now the scorching sun on the Internet will soon burn on Ye Qingmei."

"in order to prevent the short videos of the Duyin platform from being removed from the shelves, it affects the popularity of the matter."

"I also hired a lot of water troops to hype it on overseas social platforms."

"I'm sure this news will make headlines because it's a rich girl on the one hand and a top star on the other." The young man opposite

finally looked up at this moment.

Li Lington.n the old man and the master of our door.""Let the old lady know that only her beloved grandson is the one who will take care of her!""only in this way can I be sure that I am superior on my birthday!...