Chapter 2856

yZheng Jun and Tang Ling looked at each other and saw the look of joy in each other's eyes.Great!if I, my daughter, become Ye Shizi secretly, then the woman will enjoy the splendor and wealth in her n...Chapter 2856

next, according to Ye Hao's arrangement, he Feng Sheng came forward in person.

instead of seeing Li Lington, he announced through the social platform that Mudu Entertainment Palace welcomes Li Lington to continue to play in the museum.

at the same time, the family will also be ready to arrange for real experts to fight.

after the news came out, the whole city of Vegas became a sensation.

after all, such a big shot as the King of Gambling has not appeared in front of the media for many years.

now he shows up to announce the news, which means two things.

first of all, there is no formal involvement in this matter with the family before, which makes the family look good.

second, the family and the family are going to fight formally.

to put it simply, in the next bet, if Hejia can win, then all previous doubts about Hejia will disappear.

similarly, if you lose with your family, then the old face of Vegas and your family will be lost from now on. M.

in Ye Hao's view, a casual battle has become a back-to-back battle in terms of Vegas and home. Ignoring the hustle and bustle of Vegas, Ye Hao returned to the Garden Villa in Port City to have a rest and got up early the next morning for a morning run.

the fresh air of the wooden road by the sea, coupled with the moist sea breeze, makes people feel refreshed.

although Ye Hao is going to Hong Kong City tonight to solve the little problem of Li Lington, he is in no hurry in broad daylight.

back to the garden villa, Ye Qingmei found that Ye Qingmei had gone out. After thinking about it, Ye Hao took a taxi to Hong Kong gambling consortium.

although the overall situation of the Hong Kong gambling consortium has stabilized, Ye Qingmei is now in a critical moment, and Ye Hao thinks he should come and have a look.

as soon as I arrived at the CEO's office, I saw that there were two men and two women outside the office.

these four are all foreigners, looking tall and tall, wearing strong perfume to cover up their body odor. The smell of

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is very impressive for these four people.

Ye Hao thought the four men looked familiar, but he didn't remember where he had seen them for a moment.

was about to ponder when he saw the glass door of the office suddenly opened.

Ye Qingmei, dressed in professional clothes, said with a look of indifference, "Thank you for your care, Mr. Li, but please take the message back for me."

"I can't count the jokes of that year."

"I, Ye Qingmei, never took this matter to heart."

"I also hope you Master Li will leave me alone."

"if he is upset, I can personally compensate him for 10 million yuan as mental loss."

"but he doesn't want to think about anything else."

"although I, Ye Qingmei, is only a small woman, I have no interest in Panlong and Fufeng."

the next moment, he walked out of the office in a suit and curly hair, but even in this case, he had a charming smile on his face.

Ye Hao recognized the man with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Li Lington!

can only say that there is really no meeting in life.

Li Lington did not feel the slightest sense of anger at the moment. Although he was forcibly sent off, he still said with a smile, "Miss Ye, what I have come today is the sincerity of our Master Li."

"I have just told you about the status and status of Master Li in the empire of Japan."

"Miss Ye, you should understand that no matter how powerful the port city is, it has been ruled by the Empire that does not set at sunset for nearly a hundred years."

"so no matter how awesome the family of Hong Kong City is, in front of the nobles of the empire where the sun never sets, they are just a dog."

"it can be said that if we, Master Li, want to bring down your Hong Kong gambling consortium or even Hong Kong gambling Yemen, we will not waste any effort."one too far before, but you're not so vicious! ""am I vicious" Zheng Qiuzi giggled."it's not the work of you and your Ye Shizi that got me where I am today!""Don't worry, when I'm done with you, I'll...