Chapter 2854

eng shui master in this scene tonight""can he help people cross over by the way"Xing Hongyi smiled and said, "Lu Shao, this is my personal hobby. I like to take a feng shui master with me when I am aw...Chapter 2854

Ye Hao said faintly: "so I say this is mild hypnosis."

"this kind of hypnotism used to be a so-called holy art used by the Templars of the Sunset Empire."

"the purpose is simply to tell yourself that you are a Knight Templar, blessed by the Holy Light, invincible and invincible."

"to a certain extent, it will affect their combat strength."

"because a person's mood has a great influence on his behavior."

"the knights who are convinced that they are invincible are more fierce and fearless than ordinary knights, and naturally they are even more terrible."

"and if I'm right, the knight captain from the Knights Templar has mastered this kind of mild hypnosis."

"he doesn't need to completely control his opponent's behavior, he just needs to give his opponent a psychological hint to make him feel that he is bound to lose!"

"coupled with his certain gambling skills, in the face of an opponent who has long lost confidence, he is naturally invincible and invincible."

Hefeng also heard this for the first time, but he soon understood it.

Psychological cues do have a great effect on people.

Medical placebo therapy, for example, is the most successful use of psychological cues.

is just a psychological hint, which generally requires a trigger condition.

for a patient, when he chooses an expert doctor he believes in, the psychological suggestion has already begun, which is tantamount to hypnotizing himself.

but in this kind of casino, how can there be such an opportunity

and Fengsheng raised their own questions.

Ye Hao said faintly, "if I guess correctly, it's the finger snap."

"at that moment of snapping fingers, everyone would subconsciously look at Li Lington's fingertips, and at this time, Li Lington began to use his psychological cues."

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"however, the psychological implication of mild hypnosis should be a practice that takes a lot of energy."

"even this mild hypnosis comes at a high price if it is to be applied to an opponent."

"this should be the reason why Lilington chooses two wins in three games every time."

"because this may be the limit of his mild hypnosis."

"after three innings, he probably won't be able to hint at his opponent."

"is it really that amazing" The wind frowned slightly, "but in this kind of bet, it makes people feel that they are bound to lose, doesn't it make people more cautious in that case, how can Li Rington win his opponent"

"it's simple, just sit back and wait for your opponent to explode." Ye Hao looks indifferent. "those who are convinced that they are bound to lose are destined to increase their cards and want to have more points in their hands in order to seek sense of security."

"and in this game of 21:00, it may be okay to add a card once in a while."

"if you add too much, you are doomed to explode."

"you can ask people to check past videos, except in a game where Li Lington got good cards, he can win other games, probably because his opponent explodes himself."

"including this game."

and the wind gasped, a detail he should have known a long time ago.

but the problem is that his attention is focused on whether Li Rington cheated and whether there are any problems with his own people, but forgot the links that should be paid most attention to.

this is the so-called dark light ah!

sure enough, one of the eight players in this game, after taking 18:00, continued to ask for cards, and three cards exploded directly.

Li Lington won easily, winning three games again.e of Zheng's affairs.with this in mind, Ye Hao could only send one message and drove to the waiting area of Jinling International Airport to wait.after waiting for about ten minutes, Ye Hao saw a larg...