Chapter 2839

a cold voice, "in the Zheng family, you can't get divorced if you want. You can marry whoever you want."Zheng Zhi continued: "Grandpa, for today's plan, the best way is to marry Zheng Qiuzi and the B...Chapter 2839

"Ye, don't say anything here at this time!"

"are you sure you're good you want to make money standing up!"

"but you not only slapped Secretary Jin, but also made Ishikawa leave the office building of our consortium!"

"now you tell me, how are you going to make this money"

"the time we agreed on will soon be up."

"Don't tell me that Ishikawa will get down on his knees and beg you to sign the agency contract in a moment!"

"Ye Hao, right"

Ye Wencheng squinted through the information in his hand and quickly turned to Ye Hao's avatar. When he saw the introduction inside, his eyes shrank slightly and his eyes were full of cold.

"I admit, you are a figure. You have done a lot of great things in Hong Kong and gambling these days. You can be regarded as a popular figure!"

"but that's not how business works!"

"if you can fight again, if you are popular again, if people don't give you face, you won't have a chance to make money."

"because your words and deeds have destroyed billions or even tens of billions of profits of our consortium in the future, you are doomed to pay the price."

Ye Wencheng looked indifferent and cold: "Don't make me say it again. Are you two going to resign with dignity, or are you waiting for me to fire you"

there is no doubt that Ye Wencheng is well aware of Ye Wenzheng's purpose of tucking Ye Qingmei into Hong Kong gambling consortia.

he was also very upset that he had to hand over the position of CEO.

therefore, now that the time is ripe, it is natural to kick Ye Qingmei away.

when I heard the chairman's speech, many people present opened their mouths one after another, saying that Ye Qingmei and Ye Hao must resign.

Ye Qingmei smiled noncommittally and looked at Ye Wencheng and said, "Uncle, you just don't think I'm in the consortium"

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"or does it hurt your interests when I am the CEO of the consortium"

Ye Wencheng, with a cold expression and no ups and downs, said faintly, "I have always done things fairly and openly. If you ruin your business, you naturally have to pay a price."

"Yes! Now that you've screwed up the business, you have to resign and get out! "

Meng Shaonan has a triumphant expression on his face.

"not to mention we already have a bet!"

"pack your bags quickly and get out of here. If you don't get out of here, don't blame me for calling security!"

obviously, this is what Meng Shaonan wants to see most.

how Ye Hao hit him in the face yesterday, how he will fight back today.

what about consultant Ye

what about President Ye

as long as Meng Shaonan is willing, I will kick one foot at a time and kick it away.

while speaking, Meng Shaonan's creepy line of sight fell on Ye Qingmei, which was quite regrettable.

if it wasn't for Ye Qingmei's special identity, he might even take this opportunity to sleep Ye Qingmei!

in the face of Meng Shaonan's arrogant tone and lewd line of sight, Ye Hao said faintly, "do you people have holes in your heads"

"can't you understand what I'm saying"

"I said Ye Qingmei and I wanted to stand up and make money, but I never said I couldn't make money."

"you beat the golden secretary to drive out Ishikawa, but you still want to stand up and make money" Meng Shaonan sneered, "do you think Ishikawa doesn't want to lose face"

"you are so shameless to him that he still comes back to talk business with you"

"what are you daydreaming about"

"Wake up, the sun hasn't set yet!" If you want to dream, just wait for me at night! "

:. : 8They just brought people to come after me! ""otherwise I would have been beaten to death by them if I hadn't run fast!"Zheng Jun said quickly, anxious to jump out of the window: "Ye Hao, I know you ar...