Chapter 2816

ce.Luo Shaorong said at the moment, "you'd better keep your eyes open. How can people like me use fake invitations" You must have made a mistake! ""if we bigwigs can't get in because of your fault, ca...Chapter 2816

Toyota swung its tail and stopped in front of the building of the headquarters of the Hong Kong gambling consortium.

along the way, Ye Qingmei made a few phone calls, and someone drove a business car to deliver a complete set of uniforms and cosmetics.

when she came back half an hour after going to the business car, she had become an urban beauty with a delicate face.

after all, in terms of Ye Qingmei's vigorous style, since she wants to get to the top, she has to race against the clock and won't stay for a minute.

after making a few phone calls along the way, Ye Qingmei also learned that her position as chief executive is not low, and she can definitely be regarded as the second-in-command within the entire Hong Kong gambling consortium.

but the personnel and financial power is still firmly in the hands of Ye Wencheng, the head of the big house.

Ye Qingmei, the CEO, controls the market.

No one can say no to Ye Wencheng's arrangement. After all, he is the real controller of the Hong Kong gambling consortium, the chairman and president.

Ye Wenzheng arranged the position of chief executive on a phone call, which is already very humiliating.

Ye Qingmei also knows that there are many things that are not urgent. M.

although she is the adopted daughter of the owner, the Hong Kong gambling consortium has been firmly in the hands of the big house for a long time, and it is almost impossible to control it.

what she can do now is to use her power and energy to find out the situation of Hong Kong gambling consortia as soon as possible, and then come up with targeted solutions.

because of this, Ye Qingmei directly demonstrated the authority of the CEO in the car.

the first thing she did was to convene a meeting with all the senior executives of the Hong Kong gambling consortium.

Ye Wencheng didn't refuse Ye Qingmei's request, only saying that he happened to have something important, so he couldn't come to the meeting.

Let Ye Qingmei take control of everything at the meeting.

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to put it simply, Ye Qingmei has to face dozens of senior executives of Hong Kong gambling consortia alone.

Ye Hao thinks she is very tough, but Ye Qingmei herself is full of fighting spirit.

so when Ye Qingmei angrily kicked open the Toyota door and walked out of the car, Ye Hao sighed and followed.

10: 00 a. M.

A round table with 36 seats in the conference room of Hong Kong gambling consortium.

except for the seat in the middle that belongs to President and Chairman Ye Wencheng, no one sits down, and the remaining 35 seats are filled with senior executives of Hong Kong gambling consortia.

in the face of the summons of Ye Qingmei, the new CEO, there is no high-level confrontation. After all, Ye Qingmei's identity is there.

of course, it's one thing to come, another to be obedient or not.

when Ye Qingmei, who had the style of a female president, walked in with Ye Hao, there was a sparse round of applause.

Ye Hao squinted and glanced around and felt a lot of unruly, unsmiling eyes.

after all, the people who can take the top positions in Hong Kong gambling consortia are either people from Hong Kong gambling Yemens or are inextricably linked with Hong Kong gambling Yemens.

each of these people is deeply ingrained within the Hong Kong gambling consortium.

their promotion and supremacy have their own set of procedures and logic.

to put it simply, Ye Qingmei's supremacy is not only in the way of one person, but also as the way of everyone.

among them, a handsome, tall man in Givenchy's high-order suit is very obvious.

he stared coldly at Ye Qingmei and unruly puffed smoke rings to express his dissatisfaction.he."at this point, Ye Hao turned around with a smile on his face: "what happened to our Shaozhu Li who returned from the king" Have you begged for mercy on your knees ""I'm still waiting for him to go...