Chapter 2712

hed there as soon as he got the news. And at the moment he is also shocked by the strength of the Zheng family, because being able to invite the Xia secretary to the door shows a lot of problems, whic...Chapter 2712

while speaking, the confidant took out his cell phone and there were a lot of videos inside.

there are not only pictures of Ye Hao ordering food, but also pictures of him lying in the room because he is tired and not even having time to put down the curtains.

there is also a video of the elite patrol routes of the Dragon Hall, which makes it clear where they are now.

"good! Very good! "

"aren't those surnamed Ye very good"

"Don't you punch the sword sage of the island country and kick the master of Longmen"

"Why are there times when you are so tired"

"now there is no Yang Diming to back him up. I'd like to see how long he can be arrogant!"

the voice fell, and Shi Xiaolan made a gesture and saw a large group of people all get off the car.

Shi Xiaolan pointed to the two leaders and whispered, "No.1, you are responsible for bringing several brothers through the fire door and guard the passage." M.

"on the 2nd, you take several people to guard the entrance of the special elevator, and you can't let anyone in or out."

"others, go straight into the hanging Garden with me to solve the elites of the Dragon Hall."

"remember, we need to make a quick decision, and don't keep any of them!"

"the most important thing is that Ye Hao must keep him alive. I want him to be as good as dead!"

A large group of dark guards in Hong Kong betting on Longmen whispered at the moment, "Yes, young lady!" The title

made her teacher Xiaolan even more excited. instead of looking back at the moment, she directly ordered: "do it!"

voice fell, she also carried an island long knife, with three points of excitement, three points of resentment, three points of calmness and hatred, entered the three seasons hotel.

because of three o'clock in the morning, there are only a few attendants left in the lobby.

and how can these people be the elite rivals of these gamblers in Hong Kong Under their breakthrough, these people soon passed out on the ground.

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a large group of people, guarding the road, breaking the door, and many people playing at the vanguard seem to have a tacit understanding.

soon, they broke through the security forces of more than a dozen floors and went straight to the sky garden on the top floor.

the whole process is almost as well trained as a mercenary regiment.

at this time, Shi Xiaolan led the people as if they were in no man's land.

she wants to cull directly to the presidential suite and destroy Ye Hao.

but didn't realize that the whole sky garden was too quiet at the moment, unimaginably quiet.


with a slight sound, several dark guards arranged to guard at the entrance and exit were about to hide in the corner, and they felt their throats slightly cold.

they collapsed on the ground before they even had time to make any sound or do anything.

people who guard fire doors and exclusive elevators get the same treatment.

apart from being silently cut into the throat, even the body was taken away.

it is hard to imagine that many people have just died in these places had it not been for a few drops of blood on the ground.

"click -"

saw a group of people who were still running towards the presidential suite without noticing the movement. Cui Wenxing locked the entrance and exit with a look of indifference.

at this time he was full of admiration for Ye Hao.

is worthy of the invincible general coach. He arranged idle chess at the moment he left the Longmen Taoist Hall, and sure enough, his prey came.

the head coach has said that good hunters always like to pretend to be prey. That's what


thinking of Ye Hao's Chunchun teachings, Cui Wenxing smiled and stepped out with his Tang Dao in his hand.

"enemy attack!"

when teacher Xiaolan arrived at the presidential suite with a large group of secret guards, she put her hand in the elite dragon hall at the door and finally made a loud and small sound.uld have any conflicts right now.""A thousand mistakes are all the fault of Ye Hao and Ye Qingmei.""it's also Ye Jiutian's fault.""however, our top priority is not to investigate responsibility, but t...