Chapter 2686

u have to come"Ye Hao looked at him and said, "Why am I not qualified""you are such a punk who eats every day and waits to die!""you've been in the Zheng family for three years, and you know how to ea...Chapter 2686

accompanied by the landing feather sword out of the scabbard, at the moment, there seems to be a kind of light and cold temperament of nineteen states, spread from him.

Lu Yu is extremely confident at the moment, as if he were an ancient jianghu warrior.

"Lu Shao is really handsome, let's split this little punk with one sword!"

"dare to hit the teacher in the face, he doesn't know how to write the dead word."

"when Lu Laojian comes out, all the heroes are discouraged!"

A group of second generations of martial arts shrines are shouting.

and Lu Yu also with great confidence, the next moment the body moved to Ye Hao, and then a sword split down.

the sound of "Yi" came out, and the sword flickered, but I could see some details of swordsmanship.

many disciples of Longmen Dharma Hall looked at the sword with a sarcastic expression.

long Aohai squinted and said, "this Ye, even Lu Shao's sword can't react, but he still dares to provoke this and that!" "he was so arrogant before, simply because he didn't meet a real master!"

Shi Xiaolan also said with a smile, "Tianmen Village, the holy land of martial arts, is a hegemony in the southwest of the Great Summer!"

"how many first-class families, top families should pay homage to Tianmen Village!"

"in the southwest, the status of Tianmen Village is similar to that of our five Taoist temples in Lingnan."

"and Lu Yu is a direct descendant of the Lu family!"

"it is said that he has been practicing swordsmanship for 18 years, and one sword can break a big stone."

"even if a man surnamed Ye began to practice martial arts from birth, he could not be Lu Shao's opponent!"

long Aohai said with regret on his face, "it's too cheap for a Ye to die under Lu Shaojian."

"and Miyada Kensei also made a wasted trip!"

A group of people are too full of faces to witness the regret of a generation of Kensei.

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at this time, Lu Yu's sword had already hit Ye Hao in front of the door in the field.

Ye Hao, who had been drinking tea, waved his impatient left hand and slapped it on Lu Yu's face.

the next moment, Lu Yu, who was still handsome, had a twisted face.

the whole person flew more than ten meters across, banged into a big tree, and then slowly slipped down.

"is that it Vulnerable to a single blow. "

Ye Hao opened his mouth indifferently.

"anyone else wants to get ahead, let's do it together."


everyone present has a dull look on their faces.

the arrogant smiles on their faces disappeared, and then watched the scene in a trance.

is so powerful that Lu Yu, a young man from the holy place of martial arts, was so casually slapped by Ye Hao.

the second generation from the holy land of martial arts can't believe what they saw was real.

A beautiful second generation subconsciously slaps himself to make sure he's not dreaming.

and the elites of the law enforcement hall are all eyelids jumping wildly.

looking at the material and witnessing it are two different things.

when they read the materials and saw Ye Hao's invincible posture, they all felt that the element of exaggeration was even greater.

but now I saw Lu Yu being slapped, and these people didn't know what to say.

long Aohai's laughter got stuck in his throat and couldn't come out.

Shi Xiaolan is like eating ** in an instant, her eyes are staring out, how ugly she is, how ugly she is.


Lu Yu, who finally got up, shook his body and spurted a mouthful of blood with teeth. He pointed to Ye Hao, gritted his teeth and said, "how dare you hit me how dare you hit me!"

"We Tianmen Village will kill you!"lashed with a soft color, and she didn't look domineering in front of Ye Hao at all."Nine days, things changed a little bit. At the critical moment, Ye Hao, the bastard, unexpectedly appeared.""and he...