Chapter 2664

one side.Ye Hao changed speed so suddenly that he didn't have time to react to the two overbearing movies behind him.although at the most critical moment, the driver turns the steering wheel, but the...Chapter 2664

Ye Hao came to the Nanyang Guild Hall in advance tonight to help Yang Diming thoroughly solve the extreme nocturnal cold poison in his body.

not only solve one thing, but also let yourself play one more big card.

although Ye Hao is not afraid of long Aohai and others, but the other party has prepared so many means, isn't it stupid not to make some preparations

so instead of talking nonsense at the moment, he said faintly, "take me in."

Yang Youxuan did not talk nonsense, but immediately took Ye Hao to the Nanyang style courtyard of that day.

pushing the door open, Yang Youxuan said softly, "Grandpa, Ye Hao is here."

Ye Hao stepped into the room where Yang Diming is located.

when he came in, he found that although there was a lot of poison gas in the house, it was no longer the extreme chill he had before.

beyond that, there seems to be a sense of war in all directions, as if a sleeping lion is about to wake up.

Ye Hao was a little surprised. M.

he could not have imagined that the strength of Yang Diming, the Nanyang god of war, was so terrible that he had only recovered a little, and already had a bit of an elegant demeanor of the god of war.

from this point of view, if I can get him back, I will certainly be a big help in the future.

"Ye Shao, are you here"


Yang Diming was in poor form before, but he has recovered too much now.

he was able to sit on the bed by himself.

when he saw Ye Hao coming, he opened his eyes, glowing in the light.

Ye Hao couldn't help saying, "Mr. Yang is beyond my expectations."

"I thought it would take at least seven days and seven nights for the old man to recover to his present state."

"but unexpectedly, it only takes three days."

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obviously, Yang Diming must have been incomparably powerful before he was poisoned, and he was definitely the best among the gods of war.

otherwise, it is impossible to recover so quickly.

although he asked him to fight poison with poison, it turned out to be a specific medicine.

but Yang Diming was able to survive the painful process of attacking poison with poison, and even accelerated the process, which was beyond Ye Hao's expectation.

this is also quite gratifying to Ye Hao. It seems that he has come right tonight.

"it's all thanks to Ye Shao. If it hadn't been for Ye Shao, I'm afraid my old bone wouldn't last long." Yang Diming opened with a frank look on his face.

Ye Hao nodded slightly, but instead of talking nonsense, he stepped forward to help Yang Diming and began to feel his pulse.

although he doesn't know anything about medicine, he also senses from the subtle qi that the toxins in Yang Diming's body are almost empty at the moment.

you only need to take the last step by yourself, and you can completely remove the terrible cold poison of the extreme night.

as soon as he thought of this, Ye Hao said in a deep voice, "Old Yang, I'll help you completely remove the toxin from your body later."

"when you wake up tomorrow, you will be normal."


Yang Diming didn't open his mouth, but Yang Youxuan looked excited.

she has been worrying about her grandfather these days, and even can't sleep all night.

I didn't expect that Ye Hao suddenly came to the door today, but brought such a good news.

"by the way, Ye Hao, why are you suddenly here tonight"

Yang Youxuan suddenly remembered something else.

"I heard that the master of the Longmen Law Enforcement Hall and the Kensei of the underworld of the island are coming to trouble you tomorrow"

"are you worried that you won't be able to pass tomorrow, so you come ahead of time to help my grandfather deal with the toxins in his body"

Ye Hao smiled and said, "Yes and no."in with his eyes closed.his kendo robe is white, with an air of elegance like that of an immortal.Ye Hao subconsciously looked at each other a few times and felt a little familiar.he soon remembered t...