Chapter 2654

I was wrong! I was wrong! ""I am bewitched by villains!""I shouldn't have set foot in the summer land!"while kowtowing, Park Yong-jin was drenched in cold sweat, and the heat was rising above his head...Chapter 2654

in the corridor, there are more than a dozen disciples of the Dharma Hall to guard.

when he saw Ye Hao, these disciples of the Dharma Hall were all slightly stupefied.

before they could react, Ye Hao made a random shot, and in Ba's applause, these disciples of the Dharma Hall flew out and fell to the ground decadent.

along the way, a large number of disciples of the Dharma Hall were like earthen chicken and tile dogs in Ye Hao's hands, not only vulnerable to a single blow, but also unknown between life and death.

this scene made Gong Sun ran both painful and shocked.

on the one hand, she did not expect that the disciples of the Dharma Enforcement Hall would be so useless, on the other hand, she did not expect Ye Hao to be so ruthless.

at this moment, Gong Sun ran held up his last glimmer of courage and hissed, "Ye, you will regret it!"

"you will regret it!"

"you will pay the price for doing this to our disciples of the Dharma Church!"

Ye Hao ignored Gong Sun ran's defeated dog's barking. He just walked indifferently into the depths of the corridor and kicked it out again.


the gate flew out and landed in the middle of the hall.

the hall, which was originally full of laughter, lights and money, suddenly quieted down.

dozens of men and women are holding wine glasses, subconsciously looked over.

Ye Hao looks indifferent, and his words are like the cold wind that won't change for thousands of years: "I Ye Hao, here we come."

the whole audience looked at the guy who kicked the door in surprise.

many people don't know what Ye Hao stands for or what it means to be able to break through a lot of security. When

just looked at Ye Hao, who burst in to stop himself and others from having fun, the eyes of these men and women were full of sarcasm and banter.

this is a place where there are only a few dragons.

long Shao got a pure woman today, but she is still a big girl with yellow flowers.

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long Shao excitedly took several small blue pills in order to toss about and enjoy.

but at this critical moment, someone came to disturb his mood

what's the difference between this and dying

when someone recognized that Ye Hao was the one who had just called long Tiancai, dozens of men and women in the audience had a more sarcastic taste in their eyes.

they all like watching hustle and bustle and watching good shows.

the big drama in front of them makes them look forward to it.

it has also been recognized that Ye Hao is the one who recently made a fuss over two games in Hong Kong.

in the eyes of these people.

Ye Hao just stepped on those losers before.

stepped on Longtiancai Longshao, what's the difference between this and suicide

"so you are Ye Hao."

"you have a lot of nerve. I admire you very much."

at this time, sitting in the middle, with yellow hair and a somewhat morbid young man squinting at Ye Hao.

he crossed his legs and looked up and down at Ye Hao.

"I thought you were just a talker, but I didn't think you were really capable."

"I'll tell you what, get down on your knees and kowtow to me three times, and I'll forgive your disrespect."

"maybe when I'm in a good mood, I can give you some women to play with and show you the world. How about that"

Ye Hao looked at the young man with an indifferent look. Although he didn't know long Tiancai, he seemed to dominate the whole audience at the moment. He should be Longtiancai.

and his words are full of arrogance and playfulness, so he should not admit his mistake.

on the way here, Prince Zihai has sent Longtiancai's information to Ye Hao's mobile phone.o be cheating, I will cut off my hand for you according to the rules!""but no, that is, you framed me. In addition to a pair of eyeballs, I also cut off your hands!"(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | |...