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eports to you!""report to you!""report to you!"the next moment, around the villa, Sergeant Tang Daoying's eyes were all full of fanaticism, and they saluted and spoke loudly.the sound spread all over...cap 250

This male classmate was kicked and fell to the ground. His body kept twitching. He held his abdomen and couldn't get up at all. A few other hooligans directly stepped forward and kicked each of them, making this male classmate weak.

The others were all horrified when they saw this scene. Then, when they looked at Bai Hong and Zhou Min, they both had expressions that it was none of their business, and they kept frowning.

Logically speaking, how could Bai Hong and Zhou Min, who cared about face, allow others to ruin their place These thugs at this moment were not deliberately arranged by Zhou Min and his wife

"Zhou Min, we are all classmates. There is no need to be so extreme in some things, right" One of Zheng Man 'er's admirers said angrily. 33 Novel Network

"Stupid man! What do you mean What does this have to do with me A few little naughty hooves attract bees and butterflies themselves. What can it have to do with me Crazy!" Zhou Min stood up and shouted coquettishly.

The problem is that this hot spring villa is the Bai family's territory, and Bai Hong is a member of the Bai family. How can these people dare to easily cause trouble in the Bai family's territory Don't give Bai Hong face

Although Zhou Min said this, all the students present knew that this matter must be related to her.

It's just that many people are unwilling to offend Zhou Min, so except for a few male students who look angry, no one dares to speak out.

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But even so, these male students did not dare to come forward because one of them had already been knocked to the ground.

"Man 'er, where is Ye Hao Why isn't he here yet" An Qi said with a worried look. Although she always said that Ye Hao was a loser, at this critical moment, she couldn't help but hope that the loser would be there.

After all, other people can ignore them, but this loser can't ignore them, right

Although Zhao Shi was trembling, he still said with disdain: "Does he dare to come He was afraid that he would wet his pants when he saw this scene Man 'er, I think we should bow our heads and apologize to Zhou Min, otherwise, something big will really happen!"

"Bow down to her, I don't want to die! I don't believe they dare to kill me!" Anqi gritted her teeth.

"I don't dare to kill you, but if I ruin you, what will you do Is this breath worth it" Zhao Shi's expression was extremely ugly. She was going to marry into a wealthy family, so she had always kept her virginity. If she was ruined by a gangster today, how could she marry into a wealthy family in the future

At this time, let alone apologize to Zhou Min, she would even be willing to kneel down.

Zheng Man 'er was also very nervous, but she still forced herself to remain calm at this moment and said,"Don't worry, they won't dare to mess around. After all, I am a member of the Zheng family..." squad brag to the sky, saying that those who are not afraid of death are afraid now"Ye Hao smiled gently at Sakamoto."you are such a loser."" I thought that your noble island people, relying on your...