Chapter 2560

much!and Li Haina sneered. After looking up and down at Ye Hao for a moment, she gave a sneer."--"Sharek and others all laughed out loud, watching Ye Hao's eyes full of endless banter and sarcasm.mon...Chapter 2560


Longao must have wanted to kill Ye Hao, but at the moment the intense pain made him dizzy and his heart was filled with sadness.

he is not only the vice master of Longmen Law Enforcement Hall, but also a member of the Dragon family.

in recent years, in Wucheng, Longmen are high above, I do not know how many people flatter, do not know how many people are in awe.

he is confident that he can dominate the wind and rain anywhere with these two halos, and he can even do whatever he wants.

but I didn't expect to meet a fool today, who not only didn't give him face, but also made him suffer such a great loss.

was trampled on the soles of his feet by a foolish young man, constantly trampling on his old face and dignity, and the dragon ao must have bumped to death on the ground.

it's just that he dared not continue to yell at Ye Hao because he was afraid that Ye Hao could not help but do it again.

"it seems that now that I have learned my lesson, I know what to say and what not to say."

seeing long Aoding's suffocated face, Ye Hao kicked him away again, and then said faintly, "Today I will teach you a lesson. I hope you will learn a lesson, otherwise, sooner or later, you will be blown off sooner or later." The first website

"that is, if I had been soft-hearted, if I had changed to Ye Jiutian, you would be dead now!"

"go back to Wucheng and tell the people in the law enforcement hall to be in charge in the future and first find out who is right and who is wrong."

"when you hear the words of some islanders, they immediately come here like dogs. For such people, one will be beaten by me, and two will be beaten by me!"

"do you understand"

Longao Ding staggered to his feet, his face twisted, very embarrassed, and extremely angry.

it's just that at the moment he dared not continue to challenge Ye Hao, but kept breathing in and trying to restore his calm.

"Ye Hao, Dong Liya, you are simply presumptuous!"

at the moment, seeing Longao Ding's injury like this, Zhang Lafei could no longer contain himself.

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"do you think this is the mainland"

"this is an international metropolis, this is a port city, and there is a king's law here!"

"as the former governor of Hong Kong, my husband asked you to immediately apologize to Lao long and let him be punished!"

"otherwise, if I say a word, you'll have to go to Hong Kong City and get to the bottom of the prison. Do you believe it"

Ye Hao said faintly, "I don't believe it."

"but I also want to tell you that if you rely on the old and sell the old in front of me, have you thought about the consequences"

"son of a bitch! Son of a bitch! "

Zhang Lafei's face was sullen, and the next moment he moved and punched at Dong Liya's place.

Western boxing, obviously, Zhang Lafei has also practiced it.

his punch was tough and accurate, with an estimated strength of several hundred pounds.

just in the process of his shot, Dong Liya's eyes flashed, grabbed him by the wrist, and directly fell over the shoulder.


with a loud noise, Zhang Lafei was slammed to the ground.

he gritted his teeth and looked miserable, but soon spit out another mouthful of blood.

Gong Sun ran and others were dumbfounded and looked at the scene with a look of horror on their faces.

"how is that possible!"

you know, Zhang Lafei is a big master, how can such a big master be vulnerable to a single blow in front of Dong Liya

is Dong Liya amazing, or is Zhang Lafei old

at the same time, a group of disciples of the Dharma Hall despised Ye Hao even more.

this man is afraid to stand up after getting into trouble, but he wants to stand behind a woman. He is simply a loser who eats soft food.

and Dong Liya stood in front of Ye Hao and said in a cold voice, "I say again, if you want to move Ye Hao, walk over my body first!" he smiled and said, "is it you""it's nothing, but there are a lot of things going on in the company these days, so I have a headache to deal with."" I'm a little tired today, so I'm going to go back...