Chapter 2483

o go to Mr. Zheng's house when I am free. On the one hand, I would like to express our apologies, and on the other hand, I will find a way to make friends with consultant Ye!""in retrospect, consultan...Yang Youxuan's expression changed slightly. After a moment, she mused, "who poisoned Grandpa"

"this" Ye Hao thought for a moment and said, "this extremely cold poison must be taken before it can enter the body, and it is mostly mixed with food or water."

"as for the person who poisoned it, I can't infer it, but the old man should know it."

Ye Hao said so firmly that Yang Youxuan's face changed again and again, and it was obvious that she understood what Ye Hao meant.

people who can be poisoned in this way are definitely very close and have won the trust of Yang Diming.

there are not many such people, so it is not difficult to verify them.

however, once it is proved that a relative has poisoned the Yang family, I am afraid there will be chaos within the Yang family.

at this time, Yang Diming suddenly shook all over, with a touch of black gas on his face and unspeakable pain.

he began to tremble, as if he would die at any moment.

"this is poison gas attacking the heart!"

Ye Hao's expression changed slightly, and he did not expect that after pointing out the situation of Yang Diming, he could not suppress the toxins in his body.

but this is also normal. It must be because Yang Diming thought of the person who used the poison, and no sorrow is greater than death.

this made him lose his mind and was unable to suppress the toxins in his body.

"Grandpa, please save my grandpa!"

Yang Youxuan looks panicked.

"Don't worry, I'll do it!"

Ye Hao made a quick move and clicked several large acupoints in Yang Diming's chest, directly sealing his blood.

then Ye Hao took a scalpel and punctured several acupoints in Yang Diming's left hand.

this time, dark blood flowed out of the wound and almost solidified into ice when it dripped to the ground.

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waited until the black blood ran out before Ye Hao motioned to Yang Youxuan to bandage Yang Diming.

and at this time, Yang Diming's trembling all over also gradually subsided.

he suddenly became a little sober, and no longer felt drowsy not long ago.

at this time, Yang Diming, who looked as usual, raised his hands with an incredible face.

although both hands are bandaged now, Yang Diming is still unbelievable: "can I move my hands"


hearing Yang Diming's words, Rao was shocked by Yang Youxuan's composure and said in disbelief, "Grandpa, your hands have regained consciousness"

Yang Youxuan knows very well that these days, Grandpa's hands can't even pick up chopsticks. It's a medical miracle that she can move now.

Ye Hao smiled and said, "be active and normal. I just took the opportunity to release all the poison hidden in the old man's upper body. Now it should be half of his body back to normal."

"that's right."

Yang Diming wriggled hard. After a moment, he smiled and said, "I haven't felt this way for a long time. Although I still can't move my lower body, at least half of my body can move."

Yang Youxuan excitedly took Ye Hao's hand and said, "Ye Shao, hurry up and force out all the other toxins in my grandfather's body!"

Ye Hao nodded and said, "Yes, but not now."

Yang Youxuan was stupefied slightly, then said quickly, "Ye Shao, I know the conditions I just mentioned are not enough. You say, whatever you want, as long as I have it, I'll give it all to you!"

Yang Diming also looked at Ye Hao thoughtfully, wanting to know what price Ye Hao had to pay before he was willing to help him thoroughly remove the toxins from his body.rward with hot air in his mouth."Commissioner Fang is such a bully when doing things!""how dare you talk to the commissioner like that do you want to die""I'll tell you the truth, if you can get out o...