Chapter 2451

fferent and his smile is calm, but there is an air of solemn murder in the if at the moment, he is the only master here.Lu Guangqiang and Wang Shaodong's faces changed dramatically in an inst...Chapter 2451

at this time, a group of feng shui masters from Hong Kong City came forward one after another to check Huo Qiulian's status.

the feng shui masters all sighed when they saw that the black air on her face dissipated and her breathing was steady.

even Su Shaolin, the first feng shui master in Hong Kong City, is a little surprised at the moment. He is naturally aware of Huo Qiulian's state, but when he wants to help, he feels it is a bit difficult. If he wants to help, he needs to spend a lot of energy.

but unexpectedly, someone solved the problem by lifting weights lightly.

seeing that the crowd had quieted down, he Zhaozhao, who had just jumped up and down, hurriedly came over and said, "Uncle Su, please show my mother quickly!"

"her condition is really wrong. Although she has calmed down now, she could have an attack at any time."

said this with a look of fear on his face.

Su Shaolin looked at it carefully, then coughed and said, "and Miss, the fourth wife is in good condition, and unlike other evil people, she doesn't have to exorcise evil spirits."

"Let the doctor handle it next!"

"in addition, give this symbol to her personal collection, so that there will be no other changes." M.

while speaking, Su Shaolin cautiously took out a yellow paper symbol and handed it to he Zhaozhao.

"Thank you, Uncle!"

and Zhaozhao were so relieved that she was almost frightened by her mother's condition.

I didn't expect that everything was a false alarm, and my mother was so lucky that nothing would happen.

then, he Zhaozhao looked at the drop of blood in the center of Huo Qiulian's eyebrow, but soon looked disgusted.


"defile my mother's noble face with this filth!"

"I really want to strangle him!"

and Zhaozhao showed an expression of boredom, then pulled out paper towels and carefully wiped the blood beads from Huo Qiulian's eyebrows.

Su Shaolin and others said nothing, but obviously no one really thought that it was the drop of blood that saved Huo Qiulian's life.

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but the faces of the doctors who have just participated in the rescue have changed so much that it is too late to stop them.


at this time, the instrument, which had been restored to normal, suddenly made a shrill sound.

just turned to talk to Shi Xiaolan and others and Zhaozhao suddenly turned subconsciously and looked back at the past.

the next moment, everyone will be scalp numb.

Huo Qiulian, who was still calm, now a stream of black gas rose from her face at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her body began to tremble, struggling painfully, and foam overflowing from the corners of her mouth.

but in an instant, the situation that has just returned to normal is happening again.

"Epilepsy Crazy!"

the doctor next to him looks ugly.

"think of something quickly!"

another doctor trembled and said, "what can we do hurry up and invite the little heavenly master!"

"it was he who calmed the fourth wife just now."

"We can't do anything without him!"

obviously, the two cities of Hong Kong and gambling are relatively more traditional, and even doctors believe in heavenly masters and fengshui.

and heard their words, and Zhaozhao but a white face, difficult to see the extreme.

Little Tianshi

the little heavenly master they're talking about is not Ye Hao's guy, is it

"I still don't believe it!"

and Zhaozhao, trembling, picked up the note just given by Su Shaolin and pasted it on Huo Qiulian's body.

Huo Qiulian's body immediately began to calm down. A smug smile appeared on the faces of

and Zhaozhao: "I told you, with the teacher and uncle, how could something happen"

"that guy Ye Hao dared to pretend to force him." before the voice of

, Huo Qiulian roared mournfully again, this time it was even more terrible than last time, just like possessing a ghost.

in this moment, and Zhaozhao body instantly fell to the ground.ime, Ye Qingmei, who had been standing behind him, stepped forward and slapped him directly at the side of the woman in white."since when do roadside cats and dogs have the right to shout in front of...