cap 234

""in case you run into a big company in a while, I'll show you!"seeing that the general manager was angry, neither Zhang Xiaochun nor Wei Hong dared to fact, they both felt a little sick afte...Chapter 234

A moment later, Zheng Maner took a deep breath: "Secretary Xia, I know what you said, but please believe me, we Zheng family definitely did not do these things on purpose, because this business center project is also very important to our Zheng family."

Xia Yun was silent for a long time, then suddenly smiled and said, "if someone else had come to make this request, I would have asked the security guard to get rid of them now."

"but before I came, the president specifically instructed him that he really liked the picture of Fuchun Mountain residence before. At this point, he gave Miss Zheng a face again. I hope you Zheng family will learn a lesson and don't have any trouble in this matter in the future."

"if there is a next time, I am afraid the president will not give you face."

that's it The president of

actually gave face

Ye Hao just mentioned it casually before. Although Zheng Maner believed him, he had no idea about it, but he didn't expect that Ye's investment company really played down the matter for the sake of Fuchunshan Jutu.

"Secretary Xia, are you kidding me" Zheng Maner said.

"of course not. This is the order of the president. I dare not say nonsense. Next, I will send someone to receive the lawyer's letter. Miss Zheng will feel at ease to deal with the business center project. Our company is looking forward to the day when the business center is completed." Xia Yun smiled and said.

Xia Yun is dizzy at the moment, there is a very unreal feeling, this is 3 billion compensation, ah, such a big thing, so solved How could it be so easy

"Secretary Xia, is that picture of Fuchun Mountain residence really worth such a big favor" Zheng Maner asked weakly.

"of course." Xia Yun smiled. "this is our famous painting handed down from China. The president said that it is fortunate that this kind of national treasure can be protected from being lost abroad. Compared with this, a little money is a trifle."

discussed some small details with Xia Yun, including the date of the next payment, Zheng Maner walked out of Ye's Investment Company, and when she got on the bus, she still had a very unreal feeling.

Evening, Zheng family.

when Zheng Maner pushed the door in, Ye Hao was mopping the floor. When he saw her coming in, Ye Hao looked up and said, "what's the matter" Has the matter been settled "

"solved." Zheng Maner leaned against the door, looked at Ye Hao's eyes and wondered, "Ye Hao, tell me, how did you know that Ye's investment company would give me this face" Is it simply because of the Fuchun Mountain residence "

"I guess," Ye Hao said with a smile. "if a company as strong as Ye's Investment Company wants to mess with the Zheng family, it would have done it already. Do you need a letter from a lawyer"

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"send a lawyer's letter, but the warning is actually a little bit stronger, so I guess they won't embarrass you! So, is that a good guess Is there any reward "

Ye Hao looked up and down at Zheng Maner with a triumphant look on his face.

Zheng Maner was slightly feverish by his aggressive eyes. She glared at Ye Hao and then hummed, "it's a good thing your guess is right, otherwise if something happens, we're all screwed!"

"isn't that a correct guess What about the reward " Ye Hao continued.

"Tonight. We'll see. " Zheng Maner flew upstairs, and his final voice was as low as a mosquito.

"what" Ye Hao looks confused. Did I hear that right Did the long-awaited moment finally come

in the evening, Ye Hao immediately took a bath and went into the bedroom.

Zheng Maner, who had just finished taking a shower, wiped his hair and said, "by the way, I just got a call. Our college classmates are going to have an alumni reunion. Why don't you come with me then"

"what Take me there " Ye Hao looked surprised.

has been married for three years, Zheng Maner will go to the reunion every year, but this reunion has never been his share.

is the sun coming out in the west today Let him go with you

"what Don't you want to go Even if you don't want to go. " Zheng Maner said faintly.

"go, how can I not go my wife has orders, not to mention the reunion. I will go through fire and water even if I go through fire and water, all on the premise that my wife is happy." Ye Hao patted his chest.

then he sat down by the bed and whispered, "Why don't we turn off the lights"

"what lights are out" Ye Maner had a question mark on his face.

"didn't you call me here I thought you were going to. "

" you. " Ye Maner blushed, he was talking to him about the reunion, what was on his mind all day long

"get out of here!"


Ye Hao touched his nose with a wry smile. It seems that there is still a long way to go.

the next day, Zheng family company.

Zheng Zhi sat in the office early in the morning with a comfortable look on his face.

he asked around last night, and the new president of Ye's Investment Company was very angry about the Zheng family. It is said that there are rumors outside that the Zheng family is going to die this time.

Zheng Zhiyong was so happy when he heard the news. Although he was a little worried about the future of the Zheng family, he felt that even if he was buried with the Zheng family, it would not be cheaper for Zheng Maner. He did not want to see Zheng Maner do it.ter!""it is only in this way that Daxia should be subdued under the iron horse of our island nation."Miyamoto Sakura was trembling violently, but her words were full of the last minute t...