Chapter 2438

n a chance, and the Tang family had taken care of themselves." 33 novel Networkthis sentence with a bit of mystery, Tang Sanye and Tang Lao Taijun looked at each other and began to ponder.A moment lat...Chapter 2438

"all right, cut the crap and go! Get him! "

Beichuan is arrogant and condescending, and doesn't think Ye Hao is capable of anything.


Kino**a didn't talk nonsense, but squinted and cut it out and pointed it at Ye Hao's wrist, obviously going to scrap Ye Hao directly.


Ye Hao did not avoid it, but came first and slapped it directly.

the martial arts in the world are invincible, but fast and unbreakable.

heard a crisp sound, a black in front of Kino**a, a pain in his face, the whole person flew out in an instant.


he fell directly into the corner of the wall and was crooked in the face. M.

how is that possible!

Beichuan bully and others froze.

Elder Kino**a is a master of the underworld. Although he is not the god of war, he is the peak soldier king.

the top soldier king of the generation has been slapped away now

what kind of strength is this

when Beichuan was in a daze, Kino**a stood up against the wall, trembling all over.

Ares level!

as soon as the master shoots, he will know if there is one.

Kino**a has also been in the pinnacle King for many years, so Ye Hao made a random move and he understood that this is definitely a master at the level of Ares.

and for this level of master, Kino**a is both fear and envy.

because I don't know how many years he has been stuck at the level of the top soldier king.

it can be said that there is an instinctive fear to see a master of the god of war at the moment, and he is still so young.

and so young, they have the strength of the God of War, no matter in which force, the status is definitely not low.

what's more, even the word Ares is enough to crush the whole audience.

Beichuan overbearing did not see this, now his face darkened and whispered, "what are you doing, Kino**a"

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"the teacher asked you to follow me, not to juggle with me!"

"you are here to protect me!"

"come on, kill him!"

"my patience is not good!"


Ye Hao has stepped forward and smoked it directly in Musashi's face.

"do it!"


"Elder of Yin!"


"isn't your undercurrent one of the six major schools in the island country"


"isn't your patriarch known as Jiansheng"


"aren't you strong"


"Why don't you listen to your master and hit me!"


"do it!"

Ye Hao slapped him in the face with a word, leaving him black and blue, bleeding at the corners of his mouth, and trembling all over.

if you don't see what just happened, everyone will think that Ye Hao is bullying an old man.

Kino**a stood in the same place, not only dared not resist, but also did not even have a venomous look in his eyes.

because he knows very well that if this Ares-level master uses his real skills, he will be killed in seconds!

even if ants steal life, who is not afraid of death these days

"do it!"

"if I give you a chance if you don't do it, is it worthy of your junior in Beichuan"

"you are a man of the underworld and a member of the Beichuan group. You are so awesome that you even look down on Yemen in Hong Kong!"

"aren't you going to break my limbs"

"Why don't you do it"

Ye Hao showed no mercy to this island vulva master who came to shout loudly in the summer. He slapped one by one, beating the elders of Kino**a into three meats and six vegetarians.s hands on his back in the forest. M.he looked indifferent and magnificent, and looked at Tian Feng Shiro's eyes with a touch of murder.Tian Feng Yoshiro squinted at the old man opposite. It took him...