Chapter 2409

find this kind of opportunity! You deserve it. ""mm-hmm." Ye Hao nodded his head.A moment later, a roar of the engine was heard, and then a red Ferrari 448 stopped not far in front of Ye Hao.Xia Yunfe...Chapter 2409

shortly after Ye Hao left, Zhang Pengwhale appeared in the inquiry room.

he looked at Ye Qingmei with interest and said, "when you told Ye Hao such a big secret before you went to prison, were you going to let him and Ye Jiutian fight to death"

"or do you have any plans"

"there is no plan."

Ye Qingmei's tone is indifferent.

"but I admit everything, but Ye Jiutian abandoned me. Why should I keep a secret for him"

"whether Ye Hao can kill him or not, as long as I can disgust him, I will be enough."

Zhang Pengwhale's eyes squinted slightly and looked up at the direction of Taiping Mountain in the port city.

if Ye Jiutian hadn't taken action on Ye Hao, there might not have been so many things.

but now that Ye Jiutian has started, Ye Hao knows the truth again.

I'm afraid the Hong Kong gambling gate is unstable next!

"however, Ye Jiutian is the man suspected of taking over as the chief coach of the nine major military departments. Is Ye Hao his opponent"


Ye Hao left the trackless prison in Longjia and returned to the Songshan Villa District in Las Vegas.

according to the agreement, he should take over the Hong Kong Gambling Dragon Hall with Cui Yingxia today.

but after waiting in the villa for a while, Cui Yingxia did not come, but an uninvited guest arrived ahead of schedule.

A worship post was sent in by the bodyguard guarding the gate.

Ye Hao squinted at the post in his hand for a moment, then waved his hand and motioned to the bodyguard to open the door.

and he himself walked into the courtyard. After the lead Rolls-Royce was quite stable, he smiled and said with a smile: "the king of gamblers is here, and Ye is far away. Please forgive me!"

the door opened quickly, and dozens of bodyguards in suits scattered in all directions.

then a white-haired old man appeared in front of Ye Hao.

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he looks no more than sixty young, energetic and energetic, with an air of superior.

King of gamblers, and the wind.

"good afternoon, President Ye Fen."

he Feng Sheng smiled faintly at Ye Hao: "take the liberty to disturb you, but please forgive me."

Ye Hao's eyes flashed slightly, and it was the first time for him to meet the king of gambling.

he did have a lot of guesses about the other party's intention of coming to the door today, but now he has all the guesses in mind.

after all, we are all scene people. Although Ye Hao has a bad relationship with his family, it is not bitter and bitter.

at least Ye Hao doesn't have a bad feeling about the legendary king of gambling.

"I was supposed to visit yesterday, but I thought President Ye Fen would have to play a big role in the two cities in Hong Kong, so there must be a lot of arrangements, so I waited until today."

Hefeng also doesn't mean to be polite, but takes care of his own words and says his own purpose.

"when I come here today, I want to say a few words to President Ye Fen."

"I don't know if President Ye Fen is interested in taking a walk with my old bones."

as he spoke, he made a gesture of invitation to the wind.

and the direction he points to is a garden above Pine Hill, a gambling city.

Ye Hao frowned, but smiled and said, "OK, then I'll take a good walk with the king of gamblers."

Ye Hao guessed in his mind the purpose of the king of gambling as he walked out.

apart from the conflict between himself and his family, the biggest connection between the two sides should be the matter of putting the Cui family on the top, right

the Cui family was originally a big family in Las Vegas, but now Cui Yingxia's upper Hong Kong gambling dragon hall is bound to affect the interests of the family in Las Vegas.

:. :ng for a domineering glance. Launch website"in addition, what happened at noon has nothing to do with the leader of Wanmeng. I called on the staff under my hands to move out.""it just so happens that...