cap 221

orkat this time, a Wuling van came in from the corner of the street. the van was covered with red flowers, which was not worth much money anyway.when he saw the car coming, Shao Lengshuang said with d...cap 221

"Zheng Qiuzi, what do you mean" Zheng Man 'er was already in a bad mood. In addition, she was now a project manager in the commercial center, so her status in the Zheng family was different from before.

At this moment, she stared at Zheng Qiuzi with a thin and angry face, with an attitude of questioning him.

Zheng Qiuzi smiled lightly. After sizing Zheng Maner up and down for a moment, he smiled disdainfully and said,"What do I mean Zheng Man 'er, you know it well!"

"I used to pity you that your door-to-door husband was such a loser. I always spoke up for you, but I didn't expect you to be this kind of woman!"

"I heard that your husband has not even touched your hand for three years after marriage. I didn't believe it at first, but now I believe it! Because you went outside to steal someone!"

Stealing people!

At this moment, Zheng Man 'er's face was full of anger. This was too serious. This was an insult to her innocence!

"Zheng Qiuzi, didn't you brush your teeth this morning Why do you speak like a toilet Don't you know that it is illegal to slander others 'reputation" Zheng Man 'er said angrily.

Zheng Qiuzi stood up with a confident look on his face and said: "Dare to do it and don't dare to dare Then tell me, have you solved the problems encountered in the commercial center project"

"Of course it was solved!" Zheng Man 'er said.

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"Really" Zheng Qiuzi smiled coldly."Then tell me, how did you solve the problem How much did it cost"

"No... Didn't cost anything..." Zheng Man 'er was stunned for a moment and subconsciously said. Last night, Ye Hao said that the matter had been solved, but Tang Ling and the others all felt that Ye Hao and Chen Que were working together to trick her. However, although she had doubts about this matter, she had no real evidence.

But no matter what the truth was, Zheng Man 'er had already called the construction site in the morning. Those who had originally obstructed their construction had retreated overnight. Now all order at the construction site has returned to normal.

"Hahaha!" Zheng Qiuzi sneered with her hands on her hips and said,"Can you solve it without spending money You are really capable! Did you use some other tricks"

"Zheng Man 'er, the other party is Chen Que, the big shot in the street. You can solve the problem without spending money Are you kidding" Zheng Zhiyong also had a surprised expression on his face at this moment. He was almost certain that something should have happened to Zheng Man 'er and Chen Que last night. Otherwise, how could a stinky bitch like her have the ability to solve this matter

However, he didn't expect that Zheng Man 'er was really cheap to the bottom of her bones! Something had already happened with Chen Que, but he could pretend that nothing had happened!

Poor Ye Hao, the green grassland above his head can feed sheep!ght it through""he has revealed his identity as the representative of the Great Xia Wushu League.""and he videotaped the whole process of you idiots being stupid enough to act.""being affectionate and...