Chapter 2274

en suddenly the afterglow from the corner of her eye glanced at a person and was startled.Ye Hao!she unexpectedly saw Ye Hao in the corner. How could she eat at this time now she walked quickly toward...Chapter 2274

not waiting for Keer to open his mouth, Ye Hao said faintly: "crush the bones of the whole body" Throw it in a vase "

"and Shaopeng, if you are so capable, can you give me a try"

give you a try!

hearing this, Guo Yinghao and other gorgeous men and women all showed sarcastic expressions.

this kid really doesn't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!

think that if you've practiced it, you'll be able to turn it around in Vegas

I don't know how many so-called masters were beaten like dogs in front of these foreign bodyguards.

these foreign bodyguards are all retired military kings of northern Europe, and each of them is one against a hundred masters on the battlefield.

in order to hire these eight foreign bodyguards, and Sanxiao paid a huge price.

now Ye Hao is shouting in front of these people, giving people the impression that a praying mantis is like a car. M.

"so these days, there are really people who don't know how to write dead words!"

the greasy-faced young man looks playful at the moment.

"now that the third young master has given the order, cancel him!"

four foreign bodyguards are moving forward at the same time, one by one with decisive movements and instant fists and fists.

has to admit that these foreign bodyguards still have some skills.

at least there are no fancy moves when they do it, and ordinary experts may not be their competitors.

it's just that Ye Hao looks indifferent, and this level in front of him is no different from that of a child playing with mud.

at the moment of the first person coming, Ye Hao took an indifferent step, and then slapped it out.


in the first place, a person didn't see Ye Hao's action at all, but he just felt dark, like the sky was falling apart, and then as soon as his left face hurt, the whole person flew out.


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three other foreign bodyguards also flew out, some crashing into marble Roman posts, some crashing into glass coffee tables, and the ground was in a mess.


Guo Yinghao and others look very ugly.

"and San Shao, if that's all your bodyguard can do, he won't be able to protect you."

Ye Hao opened his mouth indifferently as he pulled out a tissue to wipe his fingers.

after several slaps have thrown away the foreign bodyguards, it seems to carry a lot of weight and pressure.

the atmosphere was slightly congealed, and almost everyone withdrew their initial disdain for Ye Hao.

several female guests even looked up and down at Ye Hao, looking surprised.

obviously they can't imagine that Ye Hao's seemingly thin appearance contains such terrible strength and speed.

No wonder Fang Keer dares to be so arrogant. He has brought a good goon with him.

but such feelings are only fleeting.

after all, these days, if you can fight, you are just a thug.

Energy, power, connections, money, anything can make a person stand up.

can type these two words, which is like a joke in front of these things.

Guo Yinghao even sighed and said, "Boy, you're dead!"

he has seen so many people who don't know whether to live or die in Hong Kong City and Las Vegas.

at the same time, Guo Yinghao looked at Fang Keer with an expression of hatred.

things that could have been solved easily turned out to be like this. How do you end up after a while

of course, all this has nothing to do with Guo Yinghao. As long as he succeeds with Shaopeng, he can still get hundreds of thousands more, so he doesn't care.

but at this moment, Ye Hao hooked his finger at the greasy-faced young man. five ancient families.""Ye Hao smiled faintly."I am just the owner of Jifu Hall."the owner of Jifu Hall!A group of people rolled their eyes wildly.several beautiful girls recognized that Ye Hao was a...