Chapter 2224

rned a few rolls, a mouthful of blood directly flew out. Su Changjing in thecrowd saw this scene with a slight twinkle in the corner of his eye, looking cold to the extreme, but instead of looking at...[Strawberry novel Network], no pop-up window, quick update, free reading!

Chapter 2224

Zhao Linlin's eyes are a little strange and seem a little reluctant, but she quickly squeezed out a smile: "Thank you for Wang Shao's help."

she didn't like Wang Shaodong very much, and even fell in love with him for a time, but in the end, she found that living up to the so-called Xia Sanda king was just a joke.

by contrast, Wang Shaodong, the second generation who has paid a lot for him, is her best choice.

so when Wang Shaodong came to Zhao's home today with an invitation to invite the Zhao family to tonight's thank-you dinner, Zhao Linlin, egged on by Li Xiaojuan, was ready to accept him.

as for Ye Hao, Zhao Linlin doesn't like it at all.

this guy used to eat Xia Yun's soft food, but now his wife came and was kicked out of the house.

what is the comparison between such a person and Wang Shaodong

how about the difference between Tianyuan

Wang Shaodong finally finished his smoke. now he picked up a cup of tea and took a sip, and then he said triumphantly, "it's just a matter of raising your hand, Lin Lin, you don't have to keep it in mind, and we'll be a family in the future!"

"if the whole family doesn't speak two languages, I will certainly try my best to support you and make you the number one online celebrity on the platform!" M.

"for example, if you start a live broadcast tonight and broadcast the situation in the thank-you dinner venue, the traffic will definitely explode again!"

"Don't worry, the invitation I got for your family is at the highest level. If you start a live broadcast in it, you will have no problem!"

Ye Hao sighed when he heard Wang Shaodong's triumphant tone.

is worthy of the Wang family, unexpectedly can be so shameless.

when this blows up, Wang Huaqing is probably not as good as you Wang Shaodong.

Ye Hao finished his cup of tea and looked at Wang Shaodong with interest and said, "Wang Shao, are you sure you got that invitation for the Zhao family"

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"and are you sure you are Brother Tuhao Why don't you turn on your cell phone and let me see it "

"Ye Hao, you are presumptuous! What nonsense are you talking about " Li Xiaojuan glared at Ye Hao with a look of dissatisfaction. "Wang Shao didn't take the invitation, did you ask someone to send it"

"Brother Tu Hao is not Wang Shao, is he your door-to-door son-in-law"

"do you really think that after living in Xiangshan No.1 villa for a few days in the name of your father-in-law and mother-in-law, you regard yourself as a big shot in the upper class circle"

Ye Hao smiled faintly: "Aunt Li, I can't believe you are so smart. Maybe this person is me. Is that what I did"


the whole audience burst into laughter, all looking at Ye Hao with a playful face.

A door-to-door son-in-law who has a soft meal brags about this kind of cow, but he is not afraid of the wind and flashes his tongue.

although Zhao Jianguo did not smile, his face became more and more embarrassed.

he originally did not accept Wang Shaodong's pursuit of his daughter.

but Wang Shaodong brings too many benefits, especially the invitation letter, which will enable him to officially become a partner in Longmen Modu Branch in the future.

even Wang Shaodong said that he had the opportunity to become a partner in Longmen.

Zhao Jianguo's original heart was shaken in the face of huge interests.

coupled with what Ye Hao did, he was really disappointed, so Zhao Jianguo is now inclined to choose Wang Shaodong.

so, today, Li Xiaojuan asked Ye Hao to explain everything clearly, and Zhao Jianguo did not refuse, but acquiesced to it.

Zhao Jianguo, who has been protecting Ye Hao, did not open his mouth to help Ye Hao at the moment, and Li Xiaojuan's face was even colder.

Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience, and the bookshelf is synchronized with the computer was extremely disgusting. He was even more disgusting than swallowing a fly.for him, this is a great shame!so at this moment, Huo Shaoqing stared at Ye Hao coldly and said coldly, "son, do you know...