Chapter 2151

n invite more big families and enterprises to participate in our listing ceremony.""Yes!".in the next few days, Ye Hao was a little idle.possible retaliation has never occurred., including the legenda...Chapter 2151

Ye Hao returned to normal and whispered, "Xia Yun, there is no need for you and me to be so polite."

after meditating for a moment, Xia Yun whispered, "my grandfather has a close friend who has been seeking medical advice with his granddaughter these days, but to no avail."

"some knowledgeable old Chinese medicine practitioners say that his granddaughter is not sick, but possessed."

"the old man doesn't believe it either, but my grandfather heard about Mr. and Mrs. Lin Bowen and thought you could go and have a look."

"so, I'd like to trouble you to take a look at it sometime."

"even if you can't help, it's not a loss to get to know each other."

Ye Hao has a slight look on his face, and he knows very well that the identity of a person who can become an old friend with Shen Jiacheng is definitely not simple.

and Shen Jiacheng will know about Lin Bowen, probably by Xia Yun.

to put it simply, Xia Yun should be in order to make things go more smoothly in Mordor, so he specially introduced the knowledge of such a big shot to himself.

the meaning of my concubine was so deep that Ye Hao didn't know what it was like in his heart for a moment.

it took him a long time to whisper, "in that case, I'll take the time to have a look tomorrow."

"by the way, what is the origin of this old man"

Xia Yun did not hide it, but said in a quiet voice, "he is from the Dragon Prison. I don't know the exact identity, but there should be some weight in the Dragon Prison."

"whenever my grandfather comes across something that can't be solved, he will discuss it with him."

"of course, my grandfather will also take the initiative to help if there are any financial difficulties encountered in Longjun."

"the two sides can be regarded as a relationship of mutual benefit and mutual help."

Ye Hao said with great interest, "people from Longjun" Aren't these people always high-minded and never make friends with outsiders "

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"you don't know anything about Mr. Ye. All the people you make in Longpeng are patriotic and patriotic."

"being able to make friends with Longjun, to some extent, shows that you have been recognized by the court."

Xia Yun explained carefully: "maybe as far as you are concerned, I don't care much about this."

"but people who know Longjun will do more harm than good."

Ye Hao nodded slightly and did not say thank you, which is meaningless in terms of his relationship with Xia Yun. After

hung up the phone, Ye Hao simply stopped looking for Wu Xiaohu and others. Instead, he found a hotel and stopped temporarily, thinking about buying more houses one day.

lest my villa be occupied, I don't even have a place to live.

early the next morning, Ye Hao just woke up when he received a call from Xia Yun.

this time Xia Yun changed into a blue Lamborghini and looked more fashionable and handsome.

she took Ye Hao early to eat Gaozu Xiaolongbao, then took Ye Hao around the coastal road, and finally drove to a private nursing home on the outskirts of Medu.

this place is located at the foot of Putuo Mountain, the air is good, and the area is very vast. The only disadvantage of

is that the price is too high, people who can move in are either rich or expensive, not to mention ordinary people, they probably haven't even heard of this place.

in the doorway, you can see that the guards here are extremely tight. Ye Hao can see at a glance that the security guards are retired soldiers.

although it is not enough to say that every one of them is a king of soldiers, Ye Hao can also feel that there should be very powerful people in charge in the dark.

the specific level of Ye Hao can not be sensed for the time being, but the fact that such people are in charge is enough to show that this place is extraordinary.think Ishikawa doesn't want to lose face""you are so shameless to him that he still comes back to talk business with you""what are you daydreaming about""Wake up, the sun hasn't set yet!" If you want...