Chapter 2137

the office, frowning and looking somewhat dignified.all the senior officials of Lingnan government were present, and they all looked a little ugly at the moment."Commander-in-Chief Yuan Jingtian sudd...Chapter 2137

Ye Hao ignored the mother and son, but quickly came to the front of the crowd and squinted at the scene.

Lamborghini's engine has burnt, and people around, including the girl's housekeeper and security guard, dare not come forward casually.

because if you come forward at this time, not only will you not be able to save others, but you will also leave your life here.

after watching for a moment, Ye Hao can basically judge that in order to save the girl, he must open the car door, unfasten her seat belt, and bring her out in a very short time.

the whole process must be completed within three seconds, otherwise it will be taken down by Lamborghini who fell into the river.

in a more extreme case, Lamborghini that falls into the river will explode directly, and there will be no life at all.


when Ye Hao was looking at the location and was ready to come forward to save people, he saw a Toyota driving overbearing at the moment.

then a tall and handsome young man jumped out of the driver's seat and squinted at the scene.

just a moment later, the young man quickly made a judgment and said, "the only way now is to crash Lamboniki directly into the river, and then I'll go down to save people."

"in that case, there should be a 30% chance of getting the party out."

"otherwise, once Lamborghini explodes, there will be no chance at all!"

the voice fell, and the tall young man was ready to push Lamborghini into the river.

the old man who looked like the housekeeper stepped forward now, looking ugly and said, "stop!" Who are you! How can you make such a judgment easily! "

"if something happens to my lady, can you be responsible"

at this time, in the seat of the copilot, a woman with a hot figure in leather jumped down and said coldly, "this is Mr. Zhao Liming, an expert in safety management in Mudu. Mr. Zhao previously worked in the fire brigade in the United States, but after returning to China, he set up a private safety management company!"

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"even Mordor's fire brigade, and many large listed companies, often invite Mr. Zhao to give lectures."

"luckily for you, Mr. Zhao happened to be passing by today, so he came to have a look!"

"I can assure you that if Mr. Zhao can't handle the situation, no one can handle the whole Modu or even the whole summer!"

"with his shot, you young ladies have a good chance of survival."

"but if you stop him from doing it, you'll have to bear the consequences."

"it's Mr. Zhao Liming!" The housekeeper obviously sighed, "I've heard of Mr. Zhao's name."

"Mr. Zhao, my name is Fang San. You can also call us the housekeeper."

"and my lady is a member of the Yanjing Fang family."

"if you can save her, we Yanjing Fangs will certainly repay you!"

"you will also get the friendship of our Yanjing Fang family!"

Yanjing Fangjia!

one of the top ten families!

everyone present gasped when they heard that the butler Fang reported his identity.

No one thought that the girl with Lamborghini posture was the miss of the Fang family.

this is a real socialite daughter, one of the top people in the summer.

Zhao Liming was also shocked, and the triumphant expression on his face disappeared instantly and was replaced by dignified meaning.

he is not a fool. Of course, he knows very well that in this situation, if he can get people back, it will not be a problem for him to walk sideways in the summer.

but if he can't be saved, once the Yanjing Fang family turns their anger, he will be finished. addition, if he wants to, we can give him 10% of Xing's antique stock."obviously, in Xing Hongyi's view, Ye Hao is very valuable for investment.people like this should become intimate friends as soon...