Chapter 2089

f Ye's Investment Company will also attend this antique fair this time. We can find an opportunity to get to know him. I will find a way to get close to him!" Zheng Qiuzi straightened out her chest, w...Chapter 2089

accompanied by Ye Hao's command, Zhang Weibin's face suddenly changed at the top of the seven-story building.

was almost subconscious. his face suddenly changed, and then he pounced on one side of the sea, shouting, "Let's go!"


without waiting for any reaction from the mercenaries with him, the ground floor of the seven-story building suddenly exploded, and a series of explosions exploded almost at the same time.

the light of the fire was dazzling, the gravel was empty, and the huge air waves were lifted in all directions.

there is no doubt that the place had been tampered with before Zhang Weibin and his entourage arrived.

although he brought a lot of mercenaries, he didn't have any effect at the moment.

second kill!

all his arrangements in front of Ye Hao were destroyed and decadent.

Zhang Weibin, who jumped to the surface of the sea, was swept out of the sea by the air and waves, and his whole body was scorched black. it took a long time for him to hit the sea with a bang.

in an instant, Zhang Weibin's remaining hand was also directly broken, and his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

but Zhang Weibin can also be regarded as a figure. At this moment, he forcefully endured the feeling of fainting to death and the blackening in front of his eyes. He stepped on the water and walked out toward the shore.

at this time, a yacht not far from the seven-story building came out with a face covered in black and a woman who could not see her face.

she had a sniper firearm in her hand, and now she shook it at random and shot it out.


more than a dozen mercenaries who fell to the ground without being directly blown up on the spot had their heads blown off and couldn't die any more.

in addition, there are several ambushes around, and now the gray-faced and temporarily deaf mercenaries died before they had time to react.


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Zhang Weibin looked at the scene and felt that his heart was dripping blood.

he even saw himself being slapped to death by Shen Yu on the soles of his feet.

"who are you!"

"who are you"

he tried his best to get to the shore, and now Zhang Weibin shook his head and spoke harshly.

Why doesn't he go crazy when he thinks his layout is exquisite, but he is so defeated unexpectedly Why don't you collapse. 33 Fiction Network

"people who get paid to do things."

the woman tilted her head slightly, as if she were smiling, and the next moment the arresting firearm in her hand was set up and pointed at Zhang Weibin's head.


almost the moment the woman pulled the trigger, a figure dressed in white suddenly appeared in another yacht, holding a flying knife in her hand.


the flying knife and lead bullet collided and fell to the ground at the same time.

the look of the woman dressed in black changed slightly, and then she said faintly, "Cloud green pupil"

opposite the white female killer Yun Qing pupil is also a cold voice: "sure enough is a hero out of youth, it has been heard that the Southern Palace Su gun method is like a god, now it seems that it really lives up to its reputation."

apparently this woman in black is Nan Kung Su, who ranks third on the list of killers.

the two women on the killer list looked at each other, and the next moment, Nanyongsu jumped forward, raised her right hand, and the sniper firearm ejected bullets again.

Yun Qing's pupil flashed and retreated to the rear, falling agilely on the edge of the coast. at the same time, with a shake of her right hand, several more flying knives were sandwiched between her fingers, and her sight fell indifferently on Nan Kongsu's body.

Nan Kung Su set off a beautiful arc at the corner of her mouth, and the next moment, with a flick of her right hand, an egg-sized steel ball flew out.

:. :nd no money, dare to say that I, the young Yang family, is not qualified to fight you""Ye Hao, can't you use your head when you talk""can't you figure out who isn't qualified and who doesn't deserve i...