Chapter 1872

le to get this big secret and successfully bring it back to the island.after all, over the years, none of the five great powers has been able to know the true identity of that one.hearing Miyamoto Sak...Chapter 1872

looking at Kim Jong-Chung, whose face was blue and white, Ye Hao took out a piece of information and left it on the table and said faintly, "what is the star chaebol" It's just a plutocrat in a great country! "

"is their agency hard to win" Does this kind of crap require the president or CEO to come forward "

"any of your executives present should be able to take it down!"

"otherwise, are you worthy of your annual salary and dividends of more than one million"

"does the group feed you and ask you to have a dry meal"

Ye Hao pointed out the resignation letter and said coldly, "if anyone thinks I Ye Hao is too arrogant, what he said is unreasonable."

"or feel that their strength and ability is limited, can not be competent in these businesses, then it is very simple, just get out of here."

"those who leave now, I guarantee that you will not lose a penny of your salary and bonus this year."

hearing Ye Hao's words, the whole audience was as silent as death. even Kim Jong-jung, who was shouting at the beginning, became mute and dared not open his mouth at all.

because now everyone knows that Ye Hao will definitely be kicked out of the group if he continues to challenge Ye Hao and keep pretending.

Wang Lingyue also looked at this scene with a cold eye.

for her, she must stand with Ye Hao at this time.

if there is any disagreement between the two of them, everything Ye Hao said just now will become a joke. What's more, after getting along with each other these days, she has 100% trust in Ye Hao and believes that his actions are intentional rather than arbitrary.

Kim Jong-jung's face changes again and again, others may not react, but he can't.

if Wang Lingyue cannot be forced to step down today, he simply cannot give Wang Huaqing and Jin Zhiyu an account.

so, even if there is a bit of fear in his heart, Kim Jong-Chung, after hesitating for a moment, still looks ugly and says, "Ye! What do you mean by these words "

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"do you want to break down the bridge across the river"

"you should know that every one of us executives works hard. Where the group is today, we have toil without merit.

" without merit, there is toil. "

Ye Haoyi patted the table.

"how dare you Kim Jong-jung say these words"

"Don't think I don't know!"

"when you are CEO, you will have a hand in the business of all senior executives!"

"the key is not to help, sometimes even unhelpful, and the purpose is very simple, as long as you intervene in the business, you are entitled to a piece of the pie!"

when Ye Hao said this, almost all senior executives subconsciously focused their attention on Kim Jong-jung, and everyone remembered the past.

Kim Jong Chung did meddle in his own business.

before everyone thought that Kim Jong-jung was just meddling in his own business, but now that Ye Hao broke it, everyone realized that Kim Jong-jung was meddling in everyone's business.

it can be said that the moment Ye Hao said this sentence, he directly pushed Kim Jong-jung to the opposite of all senior executives.

"Don't listen to him, he." Kim Jong Chung's mouth is dry and his tongue is tongue-tied.

Ye Hao continued to speak coldly: "because of meddling in all executive business, your salary and dividend last year were about three times that of these executives present, or even about five times that of some people!"

"do you really think you got such a high salary and bonus by your real skills"

"all you rely on is to jump in and grab food in other people's bowls!"

"do you still think you are very capable in such a way Do you think you have contributed a lot to the group "


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