Chapter 1861

ious soon as this connoisseur sells, he will know if there is any. I'm afraid the price of these things alone will be as high as 100,000.both Zheng Jun and Tang Ling are smiling from ear to ea...Chapter 1861

Xiangshan No.1 Villa.

Ye Hao came back with several bowls of noodles to bring midnight snacks to Wang Lingyue and others.

when Szeto he, who was eating noodles, heard Ye Hao talking lightly about what had just happened, he was so scared that he couldn't eat a mouthful of noodles.

he had no idea that the trick Ye Hao promised to teach himself was so terrible.

with a casual slap, even his own master Qingxu Road can be sucked away.

Master! An absolute master!

I am nothing in front of others!

if Szeto he was only scared by Ye Hao not long ago, he is really convinced now.

lurking in the depths of the heart not to be reconciled, and other thoughts, vanished in this moment.

even if Qingxu Daochang called, he didn't hide it, but said a few perfunctory words in front of Ye Hao.

then smiled and said, "Ye Shao, my master told me not to leave for a while, but to stare at you and see what little moves you have."

"I guess he will be with Chairman Wang all the time. After all, President Wang must have paid a high price for inviting him out of the mountain this time."

"probably not just to force you to treat Jin Zhiyu."

Ye Hao said faintly, "it's just for the Longmen Modu Branch."

"if you want to go to the top of Longmen Modu Branch and say ten thousand things, what you will see in the end is not the skill of lip service, but your real strength."

"the three-day appointment with Qin Menghan and Chu Nanxuan is coming soon. Wang Huaqing will certainly make more preparations."

when he heard Ye Haofeng's light mouth, Szeto he took a look at the Longmen outside the villa with a slight surprise.

if he remembers correctly, Qin Menghan's attitude towards Ye Hao just now can be described as respectful.

so who exactly is Ye Hao

but soon, Satohe put aside his thoughts.

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now that he is a servant of Ye Hao, the subordinate should have the attitude of a servant and should not ask what he should not ask.

while Szeto he reined in his thoughts, Wang Lingyue looked at Ye Hao with a moved face, her eyes gentle.

"Ye Hao, the man of my father has always been the supremacy of interests. In his mind, my position is not high."

"so you don't have to sacrifice your own interests for my sake."

"since he's going to give you so many benefits, just take it."

"after all, he is right. Apart from being the mistress of the Wang family, the most important thing is that she is the daughter of the Jinling family."

"Jinling Jin Family, one of the top ten families, why should you have a bad relationship with them"

"even if you don't approach them actively, at least don't offend them."

"Ye Hao, will you just listen to me for once"

obviously, Wang Lingyue is sincerely thinking about Ye Hao.

although she very much hopes to get an account of her mother's affairs, let her know the truth of that year.

at the same time, she also wants to be in the Wang Group to protect her mother's hard-earned assets.

but the problem is, if the price of these is to put Ye Hao in danger, then she is unwilling.

the two are just friends so far.

but Wang Lingyue doesn't think she is qualified to let Ye Hao pay so much for herself.

Ye Hao smiled and said faintly, "Ling Yue, since you treat me as a friend, don't be so outsider among friends."

"if I help you now, maybe you will help me later"

"what's more, money is just a number to me."

"I'd rather see your father and Jin Zhiyu bow to me."

"because as long as there is a first time, then there will be countless times."

:. :--" Ye Xiaoyou, let me slap these three slaps. "just then, the door of the VIP lounge opened again, and Wang Wenbin came in.obviously, he was outside the door all the time, but he just happened to sho...