Chapter 1859

hout waiting for Xia Yun's compliments, Ye Hao hung up the phone, picked up his milk tea, and was ready to go home.He had just reached the roadside when he suddenly heard a sudden brake behind him. An...Chapter 1859

looking at Ye Hao's expression, Qingxu Daochang felt that the little son of a bitch was scared by himself.

now he has a very high posture and says coldly, "do you know who the poor road is"

"I'm telling you, if the poor road gets upset and let Stu he come back, then you may die by the side of the road at any time!"

"because Zhen long has sent his confidant Yang Gun to take care of you."

"if you want to live, you still don't agree to Chairman Wang's terms!"

"well, first of all, I would like to thank you, Master Taoist, for 18 generations." Ye Hao is smiling.

then he said with interest, "since you are the uncle of Lingyue, she is now a vegetative mother and your sister."

"in that case, you guys should have a good relationship, right"

"now I am fighting for the legitimate rights and interests of Lingyue, and I am giving her and her mother an account."

"Why did you stand in the way"

"I don't understand this, so please give me an explanation."

Qingxu Road gave a cold hum, with the posture of an outsider, cold humming: "Lingyue is my nephew, I naturally dote on her!"

"but just because I dote on her, I don't want her to be confused by some slippery little bastards who come out of nowhere, and even their own father has to fight!"

"if you protect Lingyue from harm, I will certainly help you."

"if you are fighting for the rights and interests of Lingyue, I will also thank you!"

"but you are so greedy and arrogant that you not only want money, but also want the position of president of Wang Group, but also an inexplicable so-called explanation! This is messing around! "

"Poor Dao will never agree!"

Ye Hao said faintly, "I don't like money, and I'm not going to take it."

"the position of the president is for Lingyue to take her to the top, of course!"

"as for Lingyue's mother, who has changed from a healthy person to a vegetative person in a short time, do you think there is nothing wrong with it"

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"isn't it taken for granted that I want an explanation and an explanation"

"or do you know that this matter is so extensive that you dare not let me verify it"

"or maybe the world has been turned into a vegetative person, and you can't get an explanation back"

Qingxu Dao was so angry that his eyelids were throbbing with anger, and he said impatiently, "Young man, stop croaking!"

"Don't waste your breath here either!"

"in short, I will decide on this matter today!"

Ye Hao is noncommittal: "you decide"

"Yes!" Qingxu Road said coldly, "I'll give you 100 million, and you'll be responsible for curing Mrs. Wang!"

"cured, take the money and get out of here!"

"if you can't cure it, you'll lose your arm!"

"as for Lingyue, the shares of Wang Group in her hands must be transferred to Chairman Wang for free."

"she has to go home tonight and get ready to marry Zhen Shizi."

"that's what she needs to confess!"

"it was also my uncle who made the decision for her!"

Qingxu Dao has a natural expression, as if everything had been settled at the moment.

Ye Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and said slowly, "one hundred million dollars to save Jinzhiyu" If you can't save me, break my arm "

"all shares are given to Wang Huaqing, and do you want to go home and marry Zhen long"

"is that your decision Is it also the justice you give to Lingyue "

"son of a bitch! I've already said that. How many times do you want me to say it " Qingxudao has a cold face. "I am her teacher and uncle, and everything is for her own good!"

"and you, you have to say yes, and you have to say yes if you don't!"

"in Mudu, three mu of land, I clear the false way is the king's law, I have the final say, do you understand"

:. :veryone in the circle knows that the so-called lightning five whips of third Master Tang is just a joke.""for the sake of the Tang family in the United States, everyone just gave him face.""now that h...