Chapter 1687

he five big doors in the summer, is it difficult to achieve such a trump card""so you can rest assured that even if I have ten times more protective power around me tonight, there won't be any decline...Chapter 1687

if the other party is routine, Ye Hao will not deliberately embarrass the other party, and does not mind explaining his own origin.

but the other party was obviously pulled by Wang Shaodong to be a helper. How could Ye Hao be polite

"give me a day to be brave"

"take care of you, boy, you don't need this."

"but then again, why would you do that"

Fang Zhihao has an unteachable expression on his face: "since you are only an inferior person and do not belong to the upper-class circle, then do not force your way in, okay"

"you should know that getting into this circle beyond your limits will not do you any good except to embarrass yourself!"

"do you know what I mean when I talk to you like this"

"if you are willing to leave quietly, I will pay for the fare."

"because I don't want us to get a pot of soup soiled by a piece of rat **, can you understand"

with that, Fang Zhihao took a hundred-yuan bill out of his pocket and slapped it in front of Ye Hao.


there was a laugh that could not help but laugh all around.

"what luck! not only do you come here to eat and drink well, but you can also take away a hundred yuan before you leave!"

"Manager Fang has washed it white now. Before, he would have directly broken the hands and feet of this kid."

"Hey, don't be angry. Our party hasn't officially started yet. Would it be good for someone to help us relieve our boredom"

"come on, let's give him some money!"

when I spoke, I saw that many people around me withdrew their change from their bodies and threw it directly on the ground.

"Hey boy, don't get cheap and be good, pick up the money and get out of here. I don't want to say it again!" Fang Zhihao looked at the scene with a cold face.

Ye Hao squinted slightly and said coldly, "are you so sure that I am not qualified to attend your so-called dinner party"

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"not sure, but for the sake of the security of the dinner, I think it's better to invite you out for identification."

"of course, if it turns out that you are qualified, I will invite you back!"

Fang Zhihao looked at Ye Hao coldly: "of course, this possibility is infinitely close to zero."

Ye Hao said with interest, "what if the facts prove that I am really qualified to come in"

Fang Zhihao looked sorry, and then said faintly, "then I will apologize to you."


Ye Hao smiled.

"does it work"

"of course it works." Fang Zhihao joked, "this is already giving you face, you are a hillbilly, what else do you want" Let me tell you.

Ye Hao suddenly took a step forward, slapped him with a backhand, and directly hit Fang Zhihao's body and smashed it on the champagne tower, causing a mess.

the loud sound instantly attracted the attention of the people around me.

everyone was a little confused when Ye Hao slapped Fang Zhihao in the face.

this Fang Zhihao has been in the street, but now he is washed white and works as a lobby manager in Bailemen.

but even these upper-class people generally have to give him some face.

how dare Ye Hao hit him

"Sorry, I missed." Ye Hao said with a sincere expression, "I apologize. You should forgive me."

"after all, as you just said, apologizing is useful."


Fang Zhihao stood up awkwardly, pointing at Ye Hao and shouting: "somebody, beat this bastard and throw it out!"


33 Fiction Networkreact, and his body retreated to the's just that although he can retreat, a group of his men can't dodge.with a bang, more than a dozen people were knocked upside down by land cruisers.and the...