Chapter 1663

evel. No wonder this guy calls himself Yang Jian.Ye Hao doesn't have any weapons on him at the moment. Instead, he is he didn't have a silly hard touch, but a sudden step on the soles o...Chapter 1663

"Live" Ye Hao opened his mouth subconsciously.

"country bumpkin." Zhao Linlin skimmed her lips, grabbed Ye Hao's mobile phone, helped him download a Duyin software, then opened the studio and said, "see" This is the live broadcast, this platform is run by our Maodu Kaishan Group, called Duyin, this is my live room, you can have a look. " After

finished, Zhao Linlin went into the room to broadcast live.

Ye Hao reacted when he heard the word Kaishan Group.

Kaishan Group is now a group under its own name, accounting for about 50% of the shares.

but he hasn't had time to learn about the scope of operation of Kaishan Group these days, and unexpectedly he even has a part in the live broadcast online.

he thought about it and sent a message to Qin Menghan. Soon, the other party replied to an account secret. After logging in

, Ye Hao found that this is an official account. To put it simply, it is an official account specially registered to reward and favor anchors.

although Qin Meng Han didn't know what Ye Hao was going to do, he sent the account directly.

this account has no other permissions, the only permission is that it can be rewarded indefinitely, and it doesn't cost you a penny, it costs the company's money.

of course, because of the contract between the platform and the VJ, generally speaking, the VJ can get 20% to 30% of the reward money, so this official account is often used to trick Tuhao into investing money.

Ye Hao remembered that Zheng Xiaoxuan said she was going to shoot in Mudu, and she didn't know if she had played on a similar platform.

is thinking about pulling Zheng Xiaoxuan into her own platform as an anchor when she is free. At the same time, Ye Hao clicks on Zhao Linlin's studio. Zhao Linlin has already changed a suit of clothes in the

studio. She is already beautiful, coupled with a special luxury, with a smile that makes people feel dry.

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has to admit that Zhao Linlin is a beautiful woman. Although she has an unflattering personality, who can see this on the live streaming platform

most anchors pretend to be very clever.

"Hello, everyone!"

Zhao Linlin changed her arrogance and coldness in front of Ye Hao, but with a smile on her face.

"Welcome to all brothers!"

the people who watch her live broadcast are basically men. When they hear the beautiful woman shut up and shout "brother", they all cry with excitement.

Zhao Linlin said with a smile, "newcomers, I wonder if you like listening to music or watching dancing these days."

"Lin Lin will show you!"

Ye Hao thought for a moment and typed out a sentence: "sing a song, just sing the love of the fiddler."

Ye Hao originally wanted to make fun of Zhao Linlin, but at this time, a man named Mordu Wang Shao appeared and mocked: "I love your face, a new hanging wire, but also have the nerve to let Lin Lin sing"

"Yes, you have the nerve to call yourself Brother Tu Hao. Who do you think you are"

"Lin Lin, these poor people are most fond of pretending to be tuhao and cheating the anchorman into singing to them. Don't be deceived!"

"Lin Lin, just have a song you like. You don't have to force yourself!"

while speaking, Mudu Wang Shao brushed ten small rockets directly.

A small rocket costs a thousand yuan, and such a shot costs ten thousand yuan. It can only be said that this demon, Wang Shao, is rich and powerful and spends a lot of money for beautiful women.

Zhao Linlin smiled and said, "Thank you, Mordu Wang Shao!"

"I'll give you a song about the moon representing my heart."

"all right, Lin Lin, you are a little sweetheart!" Mudu Wang Shao was high-spirited and continued to type, "Let that Tuhao brother go as far as he can, and don't pretend to be like others if he has no money!"

:. : Zheng Xiaoxuan said cautiously, "what did my sister say to you, brother-in-law""she said your mother was going to kick me out." Ye Hao said angrily, "but I can remind you that if your mother really d...