Chapter 1554

rn at this time.Tang's family are filled with joy.because only the harder Zheng Maner's mouth is, the more miserable she will eventually be!at this time, the Tang family could not help but add to it."...Chapter 1554

Ye Hao leaned on the sofa and said in a gentle voice, "I haven't decided yet. I always feel that I have been set up by two old foxes."

"what's more, even if you really want to take charge of the overall situation, you don't have to do it now, even if you really want to take charge of the Longmen Modu branch."

"if you want to go, you will have to wait ten and a half days and a half until they have had enough fighting."

at the same time, Lei Jun walked in. He bowed and said, "Mr. Ye, I've sent someone to find out about Secretary Xia."

"but I didn't find anything wrong."

"it's like she quit her job like a normal person."

"but this is the most abnormal place, so I'm afraid you'll have to go and see for yourself. I hear she's leaving Yangcheng by plane tomorrow."

when he heard Lei Jun's words, Tang Rentu, Yuan Jingtian and Wu Xiaohu all looked at the nose and mind one by one.

this is a family matter for the chief coach. No intervention, no intervention.

Ye Hao rubbed his eyebrows, sighed a moment later, and got up and left.

half an hour later, Ye Hao rang the doorbell of Xia Yun's residence.

A moment later, the door was opened and Xia Yun came out with a pretty face.

because of being at home, she did not wear her usual professional clothes, but wore a loose nightdress.

although this hides her tall and slim figure, everything is full of reverie.

Xia Yun should be waiting for someone, so when she saw that it was Ye Hao, she was slightly stupefied, her expression a little flustered, but still whispered, "Boss Ye, what are you doing here"

Ye Hao smiled and said, "is it not good for you to stay with me for so long and help me solve so many things, but prepare to resign without giving me an explanation"

"so, I'm here tonight for an explanation."

"of course, if there's anything I can do for you, you can ask, and I'll do my best."

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Xia Yun looked at Ye Hao carefully, suddenly sat down on the sofa, stretched himself, and said, "Ye Hao, I'm not your secretary anymore."

"when you say these words to me, you are not afraid that your sister-in-law will mind"

Ye Hao gave a wry smile. If you can't answer this, something will happen.

Xia Yun Miao stared at Ye Hao for a long time before whispering, "I'm from the Yanjing Xia family. You know that, right"

"I know." Ye Hao said faintly.

"but you may not know that because of my father's early death, I was not popular in the Yanjing Xia family, so I basically grew up in the Shen family of Mordu."

"Mudu Shen family is my home away from home."

"not long ago, the Yanjing Xia family tried every means to force me to marry Li Changcheng of the Li family in Hong Kong City, but the matter came to nothing."

"but my mother found out about it."

"my mother felt that I had been wronged at the Yanjing Xia family, so she decided to let me go back to the Shen family for development."

"of course, this so-called development is that the Shen family has also found me a blind date."

"Yanjing Fang family, Fang Da Shao."

"this Fang Da Shao, known as one of Yanjing's four young people, how noble and terrible his identity is."

"Grandpa agrees with this marriage, so they have been calling me and asking me to go back recently."

"even after the Yanjing Xia family learned about this, they also took it out of their nostrils with the Shen family of Mudu."

"these two families have been beating and pressuring constantly these days."

"A few days ago, it was even more threatening that if I didn't agree, they would join Guo Yingzi, Ye Chui, and others in attacking the Tian Ri Group."

"I was worried that something big would happen and it would bring you great trouble, so I agreed on the condition that after the group went public smoothly, I would resign."

: : female doctor turned her attention to Zhu Xiangwu and said, "Director Zhu, Mr. Zhu is miserable enough.""how can you bear to let him be tortured before he dies"(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | | [])...