chapter 144

himself todayat this time, Ye Hao smiled and said, "carrying the Tang family, if I like, it's just a matter of one sentence.""poof"hearing this, Zheng Jun and others almost spurted out a mouthful of...Chapter 144

Jiang Wenzhuo sneered: "you don't have to thank me, because even if you are gone now, I will still tell the Zheng family that there is a thief in their family and has come here to stain my eyes. I am afraid it will not work if the Zheng family does not give me an account of this matter."

"of course, I can also give you a chance, as long as you get down on your knees and beg me, I can let you go, okay"

Ye Hao smiled faintly but did not respond.

but he didn't respond, but Luo Donghong couldn't help saying, "Master Jiang, are you sick"

Luo Donghong originally intended to get acquainted with Ye Hao, but he never had a chance to invite Ye Hao to attend the Genting auction. It was just an apology.

before, because he thought Ye Hao kept a low profile, he kept watching, but when he heard someone calling him stupid, he really couldn't help it.

"President Luo, won't the existence of this door-to-door son-in-law stain my eyes" Jiang Wenzhuo takes it for granted. Of course he knows Luo Donghong, but the Aunt Ye behind him is also a big shot in the provincial capital. From this point of view, he really doesn't like the bank president of just one prefecture-level city. Especially at the moment, Luo Donghong looks like he wants to stand out for Ye Hao, and he is even more upset.

in his opinion, it was all because of this Ye Hao that he fell to the point of having a soft meal. He couldn't swallow this breath without looking for a chance to kill Ye Hao.

Today, he can kill Ye Hao and get to know Naran Ruo from the provincial capital. Maybe he can take the opportunity to get rid of Aunt Ye, who makes him take drugs every night, and eat fragrant and young soft rice. Now he doesn't have to work hard.

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when he thought of this, he unexpectedly stepped forward and stared at Luo Donghong coldly and said, "President Luo, I am not afraid of you as a president. You are called a president at best and a shopkeeper at worst. If we rich people don't deposit their money in your bank, how can you be qualified to dominate I am also a VIP of your commercial bank. Why don't you try to impress me Don't you dare touch me, and I'll transfer all the money from our Jiang family tomorrow, making it too much for you! "


Luo Donghong is really angry at the moment. Originally, a man like him is very deep, but now a young man from a third-rate family dares to threaten him. He threw it out with an almost subconscious slap.

this slap and that sound, Jiang Wenzhuo's face suddenly swelled up, making people look painful.

"you." Jiang Wenzhuo covered his face and almost cried. What happened Is this Luo Donghong not afraid of influence How dare you really hit yourself

and hit so hard that the slap almost knocked himself out.

"Master Jiang, let's call it a day." Nalanruo, who had not opened his mouth, suddenly opened his mouth and went straight to the auction house.

although she doesn't know what Jiang Wenzhuo's background is, she knows who Luo Donghong is, and the Luo family in the provincial capital is not a family to mess with. people so actively! ""your Zhengjia company has just been established in Yangcheng, so there should be times when you need funds.""now I know President Luo, but you are lucky!"Ye Hao watched the scen...