Chapter 1486

support from your family in the soon as he thought of this, Ye Hao said faintly, "Miss he, since you are so straightforward, I will pretend I don't know if you want someone to deal with me."...Chapter 1486

Bai Gusu's voice fell, and he immediately saw that a dozen of his companions stood up behind him, staring covetously at Zheng Maner.

Zheng Maner's face has changed slightly, but now she has experienced a lot and has grown up.

she quickly regained her calm and said faintly, "I don't know what offends my husband."

"not working"

Bai Gusu burst out with a laugh.

"your old bull is very good, how can you say that he is useless"

"after all, even a small number of students dare to cheat. It's either really awesome or really stupid."

"what did my husband do to you" Zheng Maner said faintly.

Bai Gusu's eyes twitched when he heard the words.

Zhu Zheng, not far from him, subconsciously covered his buttocks with a look of resentment.

both of them are notoriously young and evil, but they actually suffered a big loss from Ye Hao last night!

the most important thing is that you can't tell others what they have suffered!


suffocated to the extreme.

it's a good thing Zheng Maner didn't mention this. Bai Gusu was on the verge of erupting at the mention of Bai Gusu.

now he looked cold and said, "Boss Zheng, let's make a long story short!"

"now that I've called you here tonight, I'm sure you'll give us an account for this!"

"now, let me give you an idea!"

"first, call your husband and let him come. I'll break his leg myself!"

"second, call your sister and take good care of me at the hotel tonight!"

"if you do these two things, it will all be over!"

"if you can't, then you and Ye Hao will die!"

Zheng Maner chilled at the coquettish face and said, "Bai Shao, although I don't know what happened between you and Ye Hao, please show some respect!"

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Bai Gusu sneered and said coldly, "I am the second young master of the Suzhou-Hangzhou Bai family, and my godfather is the devil's capital, Longmen, Chu Zhongtian!"

"do I need to respect you for my background"

hearing this, several pretty social flowers around showed disdainful smiles.

this Zheng Maner is really interesting, just a boss of an ordinary company who dares to pretend to be aloof in front of a white boy.

Zheng Maner's expression changed several times, and at last she calmly said, "since there is no speculation, let's call it a day!"

and she turned to leave.

because she has a premonition that something will happen if it goes on like this.

and she also wants to ask Ye Hao how he got into trouble with the young people in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

"that's it"

Aunt Bai smiled. As soon as he waved his hand, he heard a bang, and several bodyguards rushed over and locked the door of the box directly.

"Boss Zheng, have you misunderstood something If I haven't had enough fun, who has the right to stop here "

Bai Gusu stood up, approached step by step, and looked up and down at Zheng Maner.

"well, you can have a good meal with me first. I'll have a good meal. Maybe I can, for your sake, break less of Ye Hao's leg and make it easier for him to beg in the future!"

"but your sister Zheng Xiaoxuan, I really like it!"

"you two sisters serve me well together, and I will take good care of you."

as he spoke, Bai Gusu picked up Zheng Maner's pointed chin and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I always like the new and hate the old. Although you two sisters are beautiful, I can only play for a year and a half at most."

"stay with me for a year and a half in exchange for another life. It's a good deal, isn't it"the matter with you""what's wrong with you"Zheng Jun and Tang Ling were so distressed that they jumped on it quickly at the moment."Ye Hao, you are simply lawless and lawless!""if you hit someone casu...