Chapter 1386

he people of the Dragon Hall in the face.this is to support Ye Hao!several socialite daughters feel dry and bitter at the moment, but they can't say what they want to Zhang Pengwhale looked at...Chapter 1386

"now, I'll give you one last chance, hand over the security guard in ten minutes, and then cut yourself off, and I'll save you your life!"

"after ten minutes, you are still so self-righteous, so don't blame me for being ruthless!"

after saying this, Li Zeshuo sat down on the sofa, raised his legs and squinted at Ye Hao.

when those pretty female secretaries look at Li Zeshuo, there are red stars in front of them.

this is the legendary big shot, the legendary overbearing president!

this is called planning strategies, and I am the only king!

by contrast, Ye Hao is simply a poor and rustic suspender.

watching this scene, Ye Hao smiled and said, "it seems that you are a little smarter than your dead brother. At least, you know, you should bully more and less when facing me."

Li Zeshuo said faintly: "this is not called bullying the little with more. You alone, there are two hundred people on our side. If you can call a thousand people, there are also two hundred people on our side."

"I see, that's what you want." Ye Hao smiled, took out his cell phone and dialed the number. "call a thousand brothers in, no more, no less, this is what the other party asked for."

seeing Ye Hao on the phone, several pretty female secretaries sneered again and again.


Let you keep pretending!

when is it still pretending to be 13 aren't you afraid of death

and the three heavenly kings came forward at the same time and said in a cold voice, "get down on your knees!"

more than two hundred taekwondo black belt masters came forward with a grim smile.


at this time, dense footsteps were heard outside Jinchi Villa.

these sounds are neat and loud at night.

the sound of "boom" came, and it was obvious that someone kicked open the door.


Li Zeshuo and others subconsciously looked out.

at a glance, they are all trembling.

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because outside Jinchi Villa, there are countless shadows at the moment.

soon, there was a shout from all around: "on Yangcheng Road, a thousand brothers obey orders!"

"one is not much, one is not much!"

Ye Hao smiled and gently waved his hand, and the original noise around him was instantly quiet, and the needle could be heard.

this scene is even more shocking than when thousands of people just appeared!

several aloof female secretaries are directly dumbfounded at the moment.

thousands of people!

is it true that a thousand people have come

and Li Zeshuo and others were also dumbfounded.

just now Li Zeshuo personally said that Ye Hao alone had two hundred people, and a thousand people, they also had two hundred people.

but unexpectedly, Ye Hao really called a thousand people on the phone.

this, this.

how is this possible

the death of Li Zecheng and Jin Sansheng made Li Zeshuo overestimate the consultant Ye as much as possible.

so he brought all his masters.

but obviously, he still underestimated Ye Hao.

these two hundred Taekwondo masters are really insignificant compared to the thousand people who appear in all directions.

although taekwondo masters are very good at fighting, the problem is that if you really want to do it, it is definitely a melee.

Taekwondo masters who need big venues to perform will definitely suffer.

what's more, the deterrent power of a thousand goons is thrilling enough.

several cold female secretaries retreated in panic.

and the three heavenly kings are also dignified.

"what on earth are you, boy"

now Li Zeshuo has already realized that the person in front of him can never be just a consultant!

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