Chapter 1373

me and wait for me to consult you in front of Lao Taijun. By then, you will know how to write dead words!""I will ask the old gentleman to lend me all the people who gamble in Yemen in Hong Kong. The...Chapter 1373

"you. Don't be arrogant. "

saw Ye Hao slap these security guards in the past. No matter how stupid Tang Ziyu is, she knows that Ye Hao is difficult to deal with. Br: she retreated with fear at the moment, but when she came to her senses, she felt that her dignity had been challenged.

at the moment, Tang Ziyu almost broke her silver teeth and glared at Ye Hao and said, "he Li, go and call Vice President Lin and tell him that someone is making trouble in our Edward Hospital!"

after saying this, Tang Ziyu pointed to Ye Hao and said, "No matter how good you are, if you can fight again, I won't believe you dare to fight someone in the police station!"

"you're going to get out of jail!"

Ye Hao frowned slightly when she heard the words. This Tang Ziyu was really annoyed.

this kind of small potato has no interest in hitting him in the face, but the other person has leaned his face over and over again.

it's true that you don't shed tears until you see the coffin.

and saw Ye Hao's expression, Tang Ziyu showed a sneer, she mistakenly thought Ye Hao was afraid.


"I tell you, it's not too late to get down on your knees and beg for mercy!"

"otherwise, you'll go to prison and regret it for the rest of your life."

"as long as you go in there, I'm sure you'll be a living hell in there!"

while speaking, Tang Ziyu directly asked many people from the hospital to come over, from doctors and nurses to cleaners, but stopped the corridor anyway.

these people should be used to being arrogant, so even if there is a security guard lying on the ground, they are all menacing.

Tang Ziyu sneered and said, "son of a bitch, get down on your knees and apologize, or you'll have to pay a heavy price today!"

Li Ping looked dignified and subconsciously stopped the injured detectives.

Ye Hao looked at him and nodded slightly. Li Ping was really a good guy, and he didn't waste his time giving him a chance to rise to the top.

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however, the matter at hand should be dealt with first. Ye Hao looked at Tang Ziyu faintly and said, "Today, someone does have to pay the price, but definitely not me, but you Edward Hospital and your dean."

"as a doctor, I have no medical ethics, and I don't even understand the truth of the heart of the doctor's parents."

"you are so disrespectful of human lives that you are not qualified to continue to run hospitals."

"now you can tell the person behind you what Tang Men Tang Shao is."

"you tell him that this hospital has to be closed now. I, Ye Hao, said that Jesus could not keep it!"

he Li and others scoffed at Ye Hao's words.

they have seen a lot of small characters who are loud and loud, but these people have never been able to talk and have no other skills.

if this Ye Hao is really capable, how can he dress so poorly How many attendants do you have with you

they saw a lot of big shots at Edward Hospital, and they knew exactly what they were doing!

Tang Ziyu also sneered: "the hospital is closed"

"who do you think you are"

"dare you shut down Tang Shao's hospital"

"Don't talk about you. Xia Zhongxing doesn't even have the guts to come!"

"if you can shut down this hospital, I'll learn to crawl on the ground!"

he Li and others nodded and agreed when they heard the words, sneering again and again.

in their opinion, Ye Hao, a country bumpkin, has no idea who he is messing with.

when the bigwigs of the Lingnan land government come to their place, they all have to be polite.

what is the qualification of this guy who looks like a country bumpkin and an inferior person

as for overturning how many security guards

what can you do with a harder fist these days Can you still beat the police station Is it harder than the government

Power is everything!

:. :anted to see if he could accept Xie Mengyao as a could he die with Ye Hao inexplicably at this time because of his high status and distinguished status"do you hear me""your master, let...